Volume 66

An article from each issue of HSJ is selected by the editors for free access as the Featured Article. The Featured Articles published to date from Volume 66 (2021) are:

16 Anam Amin, Giulia Zuecco, Chiara Marchina, Michael Engel, Daniele Penna, Jeffrey J. McDonnell & Marco Borga (2021) No evidence of isotopic fractionation in olive trees (Olea europaea): a stable isotope tracing experiment, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66:16, 2415-2430, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2021.1987440
15 Daniel B. G. Collins (2021) Hydrological sentinels and the relative emergence of climate change signals in New Zealand river flows, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66:15, 2146-2154, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2021.1987439
14 Somil Swarnkar, Shivendra Prakash, Suneel Kumar Joshi & Rajiv Sinha (2021) Spatio-temporal rainfall trends in the Ganga River basin over the last century: understanding feedback and hydrological impacts, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66:14, 2074-2088, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2021.1976783
13 Shiferaw E. Chaemiso, Suresh A. Kartha & Santosh M. Pingale (2021) Effect of land use/land cover changes on surface water availability in the Omo-Gibe basin, Ethiopia, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66:13, 1936-1962, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2021.1963442
12 Barsha Neupane, Tue M. Vu & Ashok K. Mishra (2021) Evaluation of land-use, climate change, and low-impact development practices on urban flooding, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66:12, 1729-1742, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2021.1954650
11 Vassilia P. Fassouli, Christos A. Karavitis, Demetrios E. Tsesmelis & Stavros G. Alexandris (2021) Factual Drought Index (FDI): a composite index based on precipitation and evapotranspiration, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66:11, 1638-1652, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2021.1957477
10 Lamine Boumaiza, Romain Chesnaux, Tarek Drias, Julien Walter & Christine Stumpp (2021) Using vadose-zone water stable isotope profiles for assessing groundwater recharge under different climatic conditions, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66:10, 1597-1609, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2021.1957479 
09 Maofa Wang, Mohammad Rezaie-Balf, Sujay Raghavendra Naganna & Zaher Mundher Yaseen (2021) Sourcing CHIRPS precipitation data for streamflow forecasting using intrinsic time-scale decomposition based machine learning models, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66:9, 1437-1456, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2021.1928138
08 Hafzullah Aksoy, Mahmut Cetin, Ebru Eris, Halil Ibrahim Burgan, Yonca Cavus, Isilsu Yildirim & Murugesu Sivapalan (2021) Critical drought intensity-duration-frequency curves based on total probability theorem-coupled frequency analysis, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66:8, 1337-1358, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2021.1934473
07 Alyson Brayner Sousa Estacio, Alexandre C. Costa, Francisco Assis Souza Filho & Renan Vieira Rocha (2021) Uncertainty analysis in parameter regionalization for streamflow prediction in ungauged semi-arid catchments, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66:7, 1132-1150, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2021.1913281
06 Weifei Yang, Changlai Xiao, Zhihao Zhang, Mingqian Li & Xiujuan Liang (2021) Impact of reservoirs on baseflow recession analysis: a case study of the Chaersen Reservoir in Northeast China, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66:6, 951-960, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2021.1906426
05 Thibault Lemaitre-Basset, Lila Collet, Guillaume Thirel, Juraj Parajka, Guillaume Evin & Benoît Hingray (2021) Climate change impact and uncertainty analysis on hydrological extremes in a French Mediterranean catchment, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66:5, 888-903, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2021.1895437
04 Henok Mekonnen Aragaw, Manmohan Kumar Goel & Surendra Kumar Mishra (2021) Hydrological responses to human-induced land use/land cover changes in the Gidabo River basin, Ethiopia, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66:4, 640-655, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2021.1890328
03 Stanislav Ruman, Tom Ball, Andrew R. Black & Julian R. Thompson (2021) Influence of alternative representations of land use and geology on distributed hydrological modelling results: Eddleston, Scotland, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66:3, 488-502, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2020.1862851
02 Daniela De Filippo, Elías Sanz Casado, Francesca Berteni, Francesca Barisani, Nuria Bautista Puig & Giovanna Grossi (2021) Assessing citizen science methods in IWRM for a new science shop: a bibliometric approach, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66:2, 179-192, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2020.1851691
01 Morgane Terrier, Charles Perrin, Alban de Lavenne, Vazken Andréassian, Julien Lerat & Jai Vaze (2021) Streamflow naturalization methods: a review, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66:1, 12-36, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2020.1839080


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