Whitepaper: 5 Best Practices for Building Better Stage-Discharge Rating Curves

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Dear Sir / Madam,

As an IAHS member, Aquatic Informatics invites you to read the new whitepaper, "5 Best Practices for Building BetterStage-Discharge Rating Curves."

A reliable rating curve is one that is credible, defensible, and minimizes re-work. This paper outlines 5 modern best practices used by highly effective hydrographers. Rediscover the science of building the best possible rating curves and gain the highest confidence in your calculations of flow.

Read this whitepaper to learn how to:

1. Have a Plan - Modernize your approach to leverage a world-class quality management system, network design, technology, training, and data management software.

2. Understand the Science - Make better informed decisions guided by a clear understanding of the science and engineering principles behind rating curve development.

3. Systematically Analyze the Data - Use a hydraulics based approach to determine curve shape and slope, period of applicability, measurement error, and explainable deviations.

4. Manage the Variance - Understand the sources of variance, both systematic and random, by adaptively managing your monitoring plan. Mitigate for variable hydraulic conditions to provide timely, evidence-based, results.

5. Qualify the Derived Discharge Results - Qualify your results by maintaining and disclosing (1) comprehensive records of all data processing steps and (2) data approval levels and quality grades to provide evidence that the curve is reliable.

Stream hydrographers are held accountable for their work. Highly skilled hydrographers follow a best practices approach, making it easier to perform, explain, and defend their work. Reliable rating curves result in better information for decision makers, enabling the optimal use, management, and protection of water resources. To learn more, read Stu’s whitepaper here.

Meet the Author

Stu Hamilton was a senior hydrometric technologist with Water Survey Canada for nearly 30 years and managed the operations of over 500 monitoring stations. Since 2009, Stu has been a Senior Hydrologist with Aquatic Informatics. He is an expert volunteer with the WMO, the ISO, NASH, and the OGC.

Read Stu's 5 Best Practices for Building Better Stage-Discharge Rating Curves to learn how you can build reliable rating curves in a timely, efficient, and effective manner.

Aquatic Informatics Inc.
tf: 1.877.870.2782 | p: +1.604.873.2782
sales@aquaticinformatics.com | www.aquaticinformatics.com

Sent to you by IAHS, on behalf of Aquatic Informatics.
This is not an endorsement of the whitepaper or the AQUARIUS hydrological data management system.

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