Webinar: AQUARIUS WebPortal - How to Make Data Sharing Easy
Dear Sir / Madam,
As a friend of the IAHS, you are invited to next week's Webinar: AQUARIUS WebPortal – How to Make Data Sharing Easy. On October 29, Chris Heyer will reveal 7 ways you can share water information, anywhere, anytime. Rich statistics, intuitive maps, email alerts, and live reports, on a secure or public web portal, keep stakeholders informed. Learn how real-time flood data helps Brisbane officials protect their city.
AQUARIUS WebPortal – How to Make Data Sharing Easy
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
9 AM PDT | 10 AM MDT | 11 PM CDT | 12 PM EDT | 4 PM GMT | 5 PM CET
Can’t make it? Register here today to receive a link to the recording after the webinar.
Water is life. Your water data is valuable, but getting the right information to the right people in real-time can be challenging. Technology “promises” anytime, anywhere access. The new AQUARIUS WebPortal actually delivers on that promise. Attend this webinar and discover how you can automatically share your quality water data with stakeholders in the office and in the field.
Get a look inside the Brisbane City Council Floodwise program, built on AQUARIUS WebPortal. Discover how 450 city officials can respond rapidly to flash foods. Colour-coded maps allow officials to quickly zone in on critical events and drill-down to related charts and tables. Powerful alerting capabilities, via email or SMS, enable officials to take timely action to protect residents.
1-Hour Webinar Highlights:
About the Speaker: Chris Heyer is currently Director of Sales at Aquatic Informatics. Previously, he specialized in instrumentation for real-time monitoring of surface water quality and quantity at YSI and its parent company Xylem. Chris also worked for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, leading the state’s continuous water quality monitoring program and co-developing the Eyes on the Bay data portal.
Don't miss this complimentary presentation! Discover how sharing environmental data in an interactive graphical display can result in better, faster decisions for the optimal management of your natural water resources.
Space is limited. Register online today >
Aquatic Informatics Inc.
2400 – 1111 West Georgia St, Vancouver, BC, V6E 4M3, Canada
p: +1.604.873.2782 | tf: +1.877.870.2782
events@aquaticinformatics.com | www.aquaticinformatics.com
Sent to you by the IAHS, on behalf of Aquatic Informatics.
This is not an endorsement of the webinar or the AQUARIUS water data management system.