Updates to our privacy notice
We at the International Association of Hydrological Sciences take great care to protect your privacy. The new General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") which comes into effect on Friday 25th May 2018 changes the way organisations can use your data.
We are fully committed to keeping your information private. We have updated our privacy policy and invite you to take a look (https://iahs.info/About-IAHS/Data-Protection-Privacy-Policy/).
In summary, we do not share your personal details with third parties with the exception of Samui, the managers of the iahs.info website and Taylor & Francis to facilitate the access to HSJ online where required, and they have an obligation to IAHS to only use the data for the purpose for which it was transferred. The IAHS does not collect your financial information as membership is currently free. Payments for publications and subscriptions are processed by PayPal or credit card and your details are not stored or retained.
If you want to continue receiving messages from us, you don't need to do anything. If you want to stop receiving some or all of our messages, please follow the instructions below.
Click here (https://iahs.info/ezines/unsubscribe.do) to unsubscribe from all of the email distribution lists.
To have all your membership information permanently deleted email info@iahs.co.uk.
Thank you
Claire Lupton
IAHS Executive Secretary
We are fully committed to keeping your information private. We have updated our privacy policy and invite you to take a look (https://iahs.info/About-IAHS/Data-Protection-Privacy-Policy/).
In summary, we do not share your personal details with third parties with the exception of Samui, the managers of the iahs.info website and Taylor & Francis to facilitate the access to HSJ online where required, and they have an obligation to IAHS to only use the data for the purpose for which it was transferred. The IAHS does not collect your financial information as membership is currently free. Payments for publications and subscriptions are processed by PayPal or credit card and your details are not stored or retained.
If you want to continue receiving messages from us, you don't need to do anything. If you want to stop receiving some or all of our messages, please follow the instructions below.
Click here (https://iahs.info/ezines/unsubscribe.do) to unsubscribe from all of the email distribution lists.
To have all your membership information permanently deleted email info@iahs.co.uk.
Thank you
Claire Lupton
IAHS Executive Secretary