Unsolved Problems in Hydrology - help to make a difference

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In November 2017 IAHS launched the new initiative to generate the 23 unsolved problems in Hydrology that would revolutionise research in the 21st century with a YouTube video.

The generation of questions is open to everyone and will be distilled through discussion on the IAHS LinkedIn group https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13552921  We aim to finalise the questions in Spring 2018.

We already have entries over a wide range of topics with draft questions and comments. Recent contributions include:

How do droughts and floods shape hydrological risk awareness? By Panta Rhei Working group “Changes in flood risk”

How are changes in vulnerability influencing trends in flood risk? By Panta Rhei Working group “Changes in flood risk”

How to assess water scarcity by considering both water quantity and quality. By  Panta Rhei Working group “Water Scarcity”

Do flood rich-poor periods exist? By Panta Rhei Working Group “Flood Change”

It is time to change our mind to augmenting groundwater recharge by focus on water-bearing formation in uplands watershed not just in flood plains or alluvial fans! By Mohammad Abassi

What controls the source of water to wells? By Kevin Bufus

Where and why is the largest global store of freshwater (groundwater) connected to other parts of the hydrologic cycle? By Tom Gleeson

When will hydrological models (HMs) be robust enough to anticipate accurately future water conditions? By Guillaume Thirel

What is the effect of preferential deposition and lateral redistribution of snow on runoff generation in alpine headwatersheds? By Ulrich Strasser

Assessing the impact of non-stationary (epistemic) precipitation errors on hydrological model predictions. By Keith Beven

There is still time to add your own draft question or add a comment to the existing discussion on the group so please join the conversation.

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