UNESCO International Symposium on Scientific, Technological and Policy Innovations for Improved Water Quality Monitoring

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UNESCO International Symposium on Scientific, Technological and Policy Innovations for Improved Water Quality Monitoring

to be held in Kyoto-Otsu, Japan, from 15-17 July 2015. 

 The meeting focuses on three main objectives:

1. Facilitating scientific discussion, knowledge exchange and collaboration among experts and stakeholders.
2. Establishing a state-of-the-art of scientific research, methodologies, tools, technologies, and policy approaches on water quality and wastewater monitoring.
3. Collecting practical cases of this stocktaking on water quality monitoring as a demonstration of the implementation of these tools and approaches.

Contribution proposals may be submitted until 10-12 June for good contributions.

Conference brochure

More information about the meeting in English and French are available on the UNESCO website:



and is directly accessible from the UNESCO webpage on “Water Security”


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