The Great Frisbee Challenge of 2013

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As is now a tradition at IAHS meetings, a Frisbee game was organized at the Gothenburg Joint Assembly. Considering the book "Runoff Prediction in Ungauged Basins" had just been published and officially presented with great pomp and ceremony, some IAHS members suggested that the co-authors should also demonstrate their skills on the Frisbee field. However, there were 130 co-authors and it proved difficult to accommodate all of them on the Frisbee lawn!

Some were not present but there was still a large number, which compensated for the lack of Frisbee experience. Thus, they managed to tie the game (3-3) against the international IAHS team, which included a number of Frisbee experts. Some of the players regretted the lack of free sparkling refreshments to honour their contribution to this IAHS tradition, and the Secretary General was informed of this. He promised to correct this regrettable omission in two years time, at the next General Assembly in Prague.

Photo: Salvatore Grimaldi is beaten to the frisbee by Pierre Brigode

From this experiment and from the careful post-match autopsy of the game, we can conclude three things:

  • Improving the Frisbee skills of all IAHS members should become one of the key goals of the Panta Rhei international decade, and a Frisbee working group should be immediately created, under the auspices of the President of IAHS himself;
  • Frisbee skills should become an integral part of post-graduate hydrological curricula;
  • The outcome of a Frisbee game played in the dark is just as uncertain as hydrological modelling!

Vazken Andréassian, Pierre Brigode, Laurent Coron, Carina Furusho, Salvatore Grimaldi, Anna Kuentz, Nicolas Le Moine, Julien Lerat, Federico Lombardo, Ludovic Oudin, Magdalena Rogger, José Salinas, Guillaume Thirel, Alberto Viglione, Massimiliano Zappa

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