The 8th EGU Leonardo Conference

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“From Evaporation to Precipitation: the atmospheric moisture transport”

October 25-27, 2016 Ourense, Spain


Dear Colleagues,
It is a great pleasure to remind you about The 8th EGU LEONARDO CONFERENCE (topical EGU Conference Series on the Hydrological Cycle) will be held from October 25 to 27, 2016 in Ourense, Spain. The organizing committee cordially invite you to submit a contribution to the conference through our web page. 


Deadline 7th July 2016

All the accepted abstracts will be published in a book-of-abstracts and some selected contributions will be published in an issue of the EGU journal Earth System Dynamics.

Also the same week
The 2nd International Congress on Water: “Floods and Drought” will take place the same week (October 27-28) in Ourense. Reduced fees for attendants at the 8th EGU Leonardo Conference. Click here for more information


A detailed study of the transport of moisture from oceanic and terrestrial sources to the continents can provide a better understanding of the observed changes in the hydrological cycle and some physical support to the results of projections of its future climates. This topic is one of the challenges in the water cycle research.

Subtopics to be included (not limited to):

-Global distribution of water vapor: Evaporation and precipitation. Water vapor flux and divergence. Long-Range Transport of Water Vapor.

-Source-Sink Relationships: Methods used to establish source-receptor relationships Analytical or box models, Numerical water vapor tracers, Physical water vapor tracers (isotopes).

-Global source and sink regions of moisture: Oceanic Sources. Terrestrial Sources.

-Extreme events: Atmospheric Rivers. Evaporation hot spots. Anomalies of moisture transport linked to drought periods.

-Low level jets, Warm Pools, Monsoons and their role in the transport of moisture.

-The identification and characteristics of moisture sources within the scope of paleoclimatic studies.

-Implications of Climate Change: Changes in water vapor. Changes in large-scale circulation related to moisture transport. Changes in precipitation, aridity and soil moisture.

Confirmed Invited Conference Speakers and Talks:

SENIOR LEONARDO LECTURE: Paul Dirmeyer (GMU, USA): What water vapor back-trajectory analysis can tell us about climate variability?

YOUNG LEONARDO LECTURE: Diego Miralles (University of Amsterdam/Ghent, NE, Belgium): On the role of evaporation during droughts and heatwaves

Francina Domínguez (University of Illinois, USA): The lifecycle of an Atmospheric River – from Moisture Sources to Socioeconomic Impacts

David Gallego (University Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Spain): From advection to precipitation: reconstructing the monsoons in historical times by using old wind measurements

David Lavers (ECMWF, UK): Predictability and earlier awareness of extreme hydrological events

José Marengo (CEMADEN, Brazil): Moisture transport from the Amazon and rainfall extremes in western Amazonia and Southeastern Brazil during the extreme drought in Sao Paulo in 2014-15

Raquel Nieto (EPhysLab, University of Vigo, Spain): Major mechanisms of atmospheric moisture transport and their role in precipitation extreme events

Harald Sodemann (University of Bergen, Norway): Constraining the Sources and Transport History of Atmospheric Water Vapour in Models

Sergio Vicente-Serrano (CSIC, Spain): Global changes in relative humidity: connection with climate trends, humidity sources and moisture transport processes

Kei Yoshimura (University of Tokyo, Japan): State-of-the-art of water isotope modeling and data assimilation

Lisan Yu (Woods Hole, USA): Recent decadal increase of ocean evaporation and its association with the Hadley cell expansion

We look forward to your abstract submission and participation.
Best regards,
8th EGU LEONARDO Organizing Committee
e-mail: eguleonardo2016@uvigo.es

Conference Chair: Luis Gimeno (l.gimeno@uvigo.es)



The 2nd International Congress on Water: “Floods and Drought” will take place the same week (October 27-28) in Ourense.
Reduced fees for attendants at the 8th EGU Leonardo Conference
Click here for more information

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