RSHS'14 and ICGRHWE'14

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Call for abstractS

The 3rd Remote Sensing and Hydrology Symposium (RSHS'14) and the 3rd International Conference of GIS/RS in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment (ICGRHWE'14)

Guangzhou, China, 24-27 August 2014

The conference is organized by the International Commission on Remote Sensing (ICRS) of IAHS and Sun Yat-Sen University, China; the co-organizers are the University of Swansea, UK and the University of Nebraska, USA.

There are four themes:

  • Theme A, GIS and Remote Sensing includes Data mining and assimilation, GIS and Remote sensing technologies and products, Hydroinformatics, Software and tools.
  • Theme B, Hydrology includes Hydrological modelling, Flood management, Global hydrologic cycle, Urban hydrology, Eco-hydrology.
  • Theme C, Water Resources includes Water resources modeling, Integrated water resources management and planning, Reservoir management, Water resources management system, Dam development, Water transfer.
  • Theme D, Environment includes Water quality modeling, Pollutant fate and transport in reservoirs, rivers and lakes, Groundwater quality modelling, River and dam restoration, Ecosystem diversity and integrity.

Papers on the conference topics are invited. Participants intending to present papers or posters are required to submit abstracts online with no more than 300 words for review before 31 March 2014. The abstract should clearly state the purposes, methods, preliminary results and conclusions, and indicate the conference topics and presentation method (oral or poster); figures, equations and tables are not allowed.

Authors will be notified of abstract acceptance before 30 April 2014 and are required to submit full length papers before 30 June 2014.

The accepted abstracts will be pre-published, and the full papers will be included in a CD-ROM and distributed to the conference participants during the conference. Selected papers will be further reviewed and be published in the IAHS Red Book series and other internationally-refereed journals as special issues.

This event will have two phases:

  • The first phase: the conference that will be held from 24 August to 27 August 2014 at Guangzhou City. Keynote speeches, invited lectures, parallel sessions, workshops and poster papers will be presented in this phase.
  • The second phase: post conference technical visit to Three Gorges from 28 August to 31 August 2014, (optional, not included in the conference). Participants will fly from Guangzhou to Chongqing, the end of Three Gorges Reservoir, then board a cruise ship. They will sail though the Three Gorges Reservoir in the Yangtze River from Chongqing to Yichang where this visit ends. During this visit, round table discussions and invited presentations will be organized on the ship. Discussions with professionals from Three Gorges Project, visiting the Three Gorges Dam site and investigations of the submerged area will be arranged.

Conference Chairman: Prof. Yangbo Chen
Lab of Water Disaster Management and Hydroinformatics
School of Geography and Planning
Sun Yat-Sen University
Guangzhou, 510275 China
Fax: +86 20 8411 4269
E-mail: hydrolab@mail.sysu.edu.cn

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