Questionnaire on the role of social sciences and humanities (SSH) in Hydrology

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Dear IAHS members

Interdisciplinarity in research teams and projects is becoming a more frequent occurrence, with increasingly recognized importance. Some of the challenges in international sustainability research are assumed to be only solvable through joint efforts between several disciplines. Hydrology (and its sub-disciplines) is also involved in such interdisciplinary work, particularly with social scientists. You may have heard of concepts such as Socio-Hydrology or the Panta Rhei initiative, which aim at integrating knowledge from social sciences and hydrology.

Whether you work(ed) in interdisciplinary teams or not, we would like to know what you expect from the cooperation between the social sciences and the humanities (SSH) and hydrological sciences. We prepared a short questionnaire (four blocks of questions and some basic demographics) and would be very thankful to receive your answers. It should not take more than 10 minutes.

Click the following link to start the questionnaire in your browser (Alternatively you may copy/paste the address into your browser): https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/73WVFHK

Please answer before June 30, 2014. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Many thanks in advance and with best regards

Roman Seidl (ETH Zurich)
Roland Barthel (University of Gothenburg)
Michael Stauffacher (ETH Zurich)

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