Publication of first Community paper on Citizen science AND HYdrology - CANDHY

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The IAHS Citizens and Hydrology (CANDHY) working group was established at the IAHS Scientific Assembly in Port Elizabeth in July 2017.

CANDHY promotes multidisciplinary and trans-sectorial research integrating hydrology, and earth science with citizen and data science. The focus is to organize, share and disseminate ideas, tools, data and scientific knowledge gathered from multidisciplinary and trans-sectorial researches developing and testing innovative procedures and tools implementing crowdsourcing collaborative platforms, communication and outreach activities, active citizenship and public participation for water resource management.

CANDHY cooperates with the IAHS Measurements and Observations in the XXI Century (MOXXI) WG in addressing Panta Rhei science questions 1 and 5 that focus respectively on the identification of key gaps in the understanding of hydrological change, and on advancing monitoring and data analysis capabilities, also through opportunistic sensing, to predict and better manage hydrological change. CANDHY and MOXXI WGs merge efforts to address the Unsolved Problems in Hydrology (UPH) initiative defining the UPHs of the “Measurement and Data” section (UPHs 16, 17, 18) as well as the questions about the “Interfaces with society” (UPHs 21, 22, 23).

The newly published community paper identifies the fundamental components, thematic areas, and specifications of citizen science projects giving them structure and direction to advance research and achieve scientific breakthroughs in hydrology. The authoring team represent several universities and ongoing citizen science projects, WMO and IWMI secretariats, as well as UNESCO chairs across the World. The Hydrological Sciences Journal paper entitled ‘Citizens AND HYdrology (CANDHY): conceptualizing a transdisciplinary framework for citizen science addressing hydrological challenges’ is available open access at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02626667.2020.1849707 

Become a CANDHY friend and/or a member of the working group via https://iahs.info/Commissions--W-Groups/Working-Groups/Candhy.do

The aims of the CANDHY WG align with the IAHS Measurements and Observations in the XXI century (MOXXI) WG. The free access community paper outlining the objectives of MOXXI can be found in the HSJ - https://doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2017.1420191 

The CANDHY WG contributed to the Unsolved Problems in Hydrology (UPH) initiative defining the UPHs of the ‘Measurement and Data’ section and the questions about the ‘Interfaces with society’. Information on the UPH initiative can be found in the HSJ open access paper - https://doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2019.1620507 

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