Panta Rhei Second Biennium

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During the IUGG General Assembly in July the IAHS Bureau thanked Alberto Montanari for his leadership of Panta Rhei during the first biennium and appointed Hilary McMillan (NIWA, New Zealand) as Chair of the second biennium (2015-2017).

The second biennium has a leadership team of six scientists: Dr. Heidi Kreibich (Germany, Changes in flood risk);  Dr. Junguo Liu (China, Water scarcity); Dr. Anne Van Loon (UK, Droughts); Dr. Alfonso Mejia (USA, Urban water systems);  Dr. Dinis Juízo (Mozambique, Hydraulics and Water Resources Management) and Dr. Tobias Krüger (Germany, Transdisciplinarity).

Information about Panta Rhei can be found at http://iahs.info/Commissions--W-Groups/Working-Groups/Panta-Rhei/.

The paper detailing the science progress during the first biennium: 'Panta Rhei 2013-2015: Global perspectives on hydrology, society and change' has been submitted for publication to HSJ. This paper covers diverse topics from hydrological models, data and predictability in the Anthropocene; descriptions and study of the human – water system; water governance and water scarcity; societal impacts on floods and droughts. 

The Panta Rhei working groups have also been invited to prepare a paper for a special issue of HESS (Hydrology and Earth System Sciences journal). The special issue is open for submissions from 1 Oct 2015 - 1 Oct 2016. 'Panta Rhei: Opinions and progress towards hydrology for a changing world'. More information will be posted on the Panta Rhei News webpage as it becomes available (http://iahs.info/Commissions--W-Groups/Working-Groups/Panta-Rhei/Panta-Rhei-News.do).

We also invite any IAHS readers who are not yet involved in Panta Rhei, to look at the list of working groups and contact the working group leader of any that they would like to join. If you are interested in starting a new working group, then please to contact Hilary McMillan.

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