The Great Frisbee Challenge of 2013
As is now a tradition at IAHS meetings, a Frisbee game was organized at the Gothenburg Joint Assembly. Considering the book "Runoff Prediction in Ungauged Basins" had just been published and officially presented with great pomp and ceremony, some IAHS members suggested that the co-authors should also demonstrate their skills on the Frisbee field. However, there were 130 co-authors and it proved difficult to accommodate all of them on the Frisbee lawn!
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International Hydrology Prize, Tison and other awards
International Hydrology Prize, Tison Award and other awards
Old and new IAHS Decades, PUB / Panta Rhei
A review of the PUB decade (2003-2012): A decade of Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB)—A review by Markus Hrachowitz et al.
and a summary of the Science Plan of the new decade, Panta Rhei, its targets, research questions and expected outcomes: "Panta Rhei—Everything Flows”: Change in hydrology and society—The IAHS Scientific Decade 2013–2022 by Alberto Montanari et al.
are now free to view in Hydrological Sciences Journal 58(6).
Call for Abstracts - International Symposium on Erosion and Sediment Transport, December 2014
Location: | New Orleans, Louisiana, USA |
Dates: | 11–14 December 2014 (AGU Fall Meeting 2014 immediately follows ) |
Abstract Deadline: | 10 October 2013 |
Panta Rhei event at AGU
H044: Hydrological Change and Water Systems: Feedbacks, Prediction, and Experimental Management
A featured session will be held during the next AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco (9-13 December 2013). It will be the first official event organised under the umbrella of Panta Rhei, the IAHS Scientific Decade 2013-2022.
IAHS Launches its New Website
The new IAHS website has been designed to incorporate the information that was available on the original one and more, to be user-friendly and to provide greater functionality behind the scenes allowing different administrators to have access to specific parts of the site. Bringing the enormous archive of IAHS publications and other documents that Pierre Hubert, former IAHS Secretary-General, organised at the original site across to this new one has been a major task.
The web site is still under development but we hope that you will like this new site and readily locate all you require on it. If something is missing, or if you find a glitch, please let info@iahs.co.uk know.
Global Data for Global Science
The new ICSU World Data System
With IUGG and IAHS both founding Members (Partner and Associate, respectively) of the recently established ICSU World Data System (ICSU-WDS), we would like to take this opportunity to introduce IAHS members to the rationale and strategies behind this new conceptual framework.
Facets of Uncertainty - Kos October 2013
5th EGU Leonardo Workshop - Hydrofractals'13 - Statistical hydrology StaHy13
Three different events: the EGU Leonardo Conference, held every year in Europe, the IAHS Statistical Hydrology (StaHy) Workshop, held every year in different places of the world, and the Hydrofractals Conference, held every 10 years, will coincide in space and time in 2013 in Kos, Kos Island, Greece, 17-19 October 2013. Each of these events has its own dynamics but all three have been set to focus on a common idea: the uncertainty in natural processes. It is hoped that the different views within the three components of the Kos convention will shed light on the many facets of uncertainty.
Uncertainty has often been regarded as an opponent of science, whose task is to eliminate it or reduce it as much as possible. However, it has also been argued that uncertainty is intrinsic in nature, impossible to eliminate, and also a quality with positive aspects. Understanding and quantifying uncertainty could make the understanding of Nature more feasible and its modelling more realistic. Therefore, the focus of the Kos convention is not to contribute to uncertainty elimination, but rather to show how deterministic modelling approaches can be combined with uncertainty estimation to improve the quality of models and predictions.
There will also be a Round Table: The legacy of Harold Edwin Hurst in hydrological stochastics.