Call for Research Themes and Working Groups of Panta Rhei
The call for Research Themes and Working Groups of Panta Rhei was published on 30 October 2013. This marks the start of the involvement of the community in Panta Rhei.
We look forward to receiving feedback through innovative ideas and availability to establish a mutual cooperation. Do not hesitate to to contact us for any clarification!
The first deadline for proposing Research Themes and Working Groups is 31 January 2014.
10 November deadline - IAHS/ICCE International Symposium 2014
Conference themes:
§ Monitoring and modelling erosion on hills, floodplains, and coastal shorelines
§ Monitoring and modelling sediment transport in streams, rivers, and estuaries
§ Erosion and sediment-associated chemical transport and pollution across landscape and waterscape
§ Land use and climate change effects on erosion and sediment transport
§ Interactions between sediment hydrodynamics, channel morphodynamics, river delta, and coastal processes
Important Dates:
- November 10 Abstract Submission Deadline
- April 1 2014 Full-paper Submission Deadline
- May 1 2014 Early Registration Deadline
For questions or more information, please email ICCE2014NO@gmail.com
Message from Hubert Savenije, IAHS President
This is my first message as your new President. The first thing I would like to do is express my gratitude and appreciation for everything Gordon Young has done for our association and for his personal support in preparing me for a smooth transition. I want to mention particularly Gordon's dedication to Panta Rhei and all the support he has given to Alberto Montanari to pull Panta Rhei off the ground. I hope to be a worthy successor to Gordon and hope that I can continue to rely on his help as past-President in the many complex dossiers that IAHS is involved in globally.
We had a very successful Assembly in Gothenburg with five Red Books produced and very active symposia and workshops. An important event during the meeting was the actual launch of Panta Rhei, under the leadership of Alberto Montanari. Already Panta Rhei is establishing itself as a major global agenda-setting initiative, with many activities planned in upcoming IAHS, AGU and EGU symposia and conferences. We wish Alberto and his team lots of success and we count on your active participation in this important global research initiative.
During the IAHS plenary session in Gothenburg, we celebrated the awarding of the 2013 International Hydrology Prize to Prof. Guenter Bloeschl for his pioneering work on linking patterns and processes in catchment hydrology and for his inspirational leadership in advancing Predictions in Ungauged Basins, and the presentation of the Tison Award to Frederico Lombardo and Elena Volpi for their paper on ' Rainfall downscaling in time: theoretical and empirical comparison between multifractal and Hurst-Kolmogorov discrete random cascades ' in Hydrological Sciences Journal.
This newsletter contains a range of interesting news items and I would like to highlight two of them. Firstly, I am happy to announce that from 2014 onwards we shall have two medals that we award jointly with WMO and UNESCO under the International Hydrology Prize: the Dooge and the Volker medals. The first medal is aimed to honour outstanding scientists who have made fundamental contributions to hydrological sciences, whereas the Volker medal is aimed at outstanding contributions in applied hydrology. Details on these medals are provided elsewhere, but here I want to stress that we invite nominations (to be submitted to the Secretary General by National Representatives) for both medals before 31 December. Volker and Dooge were pioneers of modern hydrology, both were Presidents of IAHS, and both won the International Hydrology Prize (in 1983 and 1984). Please have a look at International Hydrology Prize winners, where you can find short descriptions of their careers and achievements.
Secondly, it is worth mentioning that the Bureau decided to hold the next IAHS assembly in 2017 in South Africa. We gladly accepted the generous proposal by South Africa to host our symposium in Durban or Capetown (to be decided later). South Africa is a country with a very interesting hydrology and substantial water resources challenges, which I am sure we are all eager to learn more about. Also we hope that having our symposium in Africa will lead to a strong participation by scientists from the region. Personally I very much look forward to it and I count on an active participation by all of you.
Hubert Savenije
Abstract deadlines for Dooge-Nash and ICCE conferences
The Dooge-Nash International Symposium
Dublin Castle, Ireland, 24-25 April 2014
Abstract deadline - 31 October 2013. Full details at www.dooge-nash.org
The Dooge-Nash International Symposium, to be held at Dublin Castle, Ireland, 24-25 April 2014, will celebrate the contributions of Irish Hydrologists Jim Dooge and Eamonn Nash in establishing, internationally, the key role of hydrology in many critical global issues.
The focus will be the role of hydrology in:
- Water resouces and social justice
- Climate change and biomes
- Engineering disciplines
- Uncertainty and decision making
New orleans icce conference
New Orleans, US, 11-14 December 2014
Abstract deadline - 10 November 2013. Full details at www.rnr.lsu.edu/icce2014/default.htm
A message from Prof. Paolo Porto, Secretary of IAHS-ICCE (International Commission on Continental Erosion) http://www.icce.altervista.org/
Dear all,
just an important update about the New Orleans ICCE conference.
Due to the US Federal Government shutdown, abstract submission deadline is extended to 10 November 2013.
So, for those of you that could not meet the first deadline (October 10) there is still some time to send an abstract to the conference committee by email: ICCE2014NO@gmail.com
With my best wishes
(International Commission on Continental Erosion) http://www.icce.altervista.org/
Climate and land surface changes in hydrology
Symposium H01 on Climate and Land Surface Changes in Hydrology was conducted over four days at the IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Joint Assembly in Gothenburg, 22-26 July 2013. The programme comprised nearly 50 oral presentations and more than 50 poster presentations, and 69 peer-reviewed proceeding papers of high quality were published in an IAHS redbook (IAHS Publ. 359). The symposium addressed the complications and challenges in hydrological modelling and water management due to spatial and temporal variability resulting from climate and land use changes. Important objectives were to address the effects of past, current and future climate and land use changes on hydrological processes, including climate-hydrology feedback-processes, and to evaluate the impacts of such changes on water resources and flood and drought risks.
Land-Ocean Interaction - Hydrodynamics and biochemistry
During the IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI joint scientific assembly in Gothenburg, IAHS was the the lead organizer of four joint symposia on:
- Advanced statistical methods for hydrology, oceanography and seismology (HPS1)
- Deltas: landforms, ecosystems and human activities (HP1)
- Land-ocean interaction – Hydrodynamics and biogeochemistry (HP2)
- Implications of sea-level change for the coastal zone (HP3)
These symposia were successful in gathering various scientific communities in order to address cross-cutting methodologies and key interfaces.
The Land-Ocean Interaction – Hydrodynamics and Biochemistry symposium addressed hot topics for both oceanographers and hydrologists, through a range of naturalistic and conceptual approaches. The spectrum of cocontributions covered most of the world, allowing the drawing out of some generalities and some specifics. The land-ocean interaction sessions were completed and enriched by several communications on land-lake and lagoon interactions.
The Land-Ocean Interaction symposium was scheduled in sequence with the one on Implications of Sea-level Change for the Coastal Zone, which formed a very complete and comprehensive Friday at the assembly. A post-published Red Book is in preparation to capitalize the added value of these two symposia. This future Red Book, together with the one already published from the “Deltas” symposium, are major outputs of the cooperation between hydrologists and oceanographers.
Christophe Cudennec, IAHS SG and lead convener HP2
IAHS Adventure in Gothenburg
First, we would like to introduce our reason for writing this article. We are PhD students from Delft University of Technology and Kyoto University and were invited to write about our scientific adventure during the IAHS conference held in Gothenburg, as newcomers to IAHS. Here we share some of our experience and IAHS adventure with you.
IAHS, with UNESCO and WMO, establishes the Dooge and Volker medals under the International Hydrology Prize
As of 2014, two medals will be awarded under the International Hydrology Prize: the Dooge medal and the Volker medal. Both medals are intended to distinguish outstanding achievements by hydrological scientists, but with a different focus. The Dooge medal is aimed at fundamental contributions to the science of hydrology, whereas the Volker medal is aimed at outstanding applications of hydrological science for the benefit of society at large.
Awards to IAHS Groundwater Commission President
Chunmiao Zheng, President of the International Commission on Groundwater (ICGW), was named as the recipient of two prestiious awards during the summer: the O.E .Meinzer Award of the Geological Society of America, and the M. King Hubbert Award of the National Ground Water Association.
Congratulations to Chunmiao
More hydrology papers available to download from the IAHS website
The full content of several IAHS Red Books has recently been added to the IAHS website so that all content in Publs 1 to 300 (except Publs 24, 25, 26 and 50) is now available. The PDFs of papers/book chapters can be downloaded without charge. The books recently added are: