IAHS celebrate 25 years of service from Frances Watkins, Editorial Manager of HSJ

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Pictured left to right - Sara Rafferty (HSJ Editorial Assistant), Günter Blöschl (President IAHS), Christophe Cudennec (Secretary General IAHS), Attilio Castellarin (Editor-in-Chief HSJ), Frances Watkins (HSJ Editorial Manager), Helen Houghton-Carr (Company Secretary IAHS), Kate Heal (Treasurer IAHS), Claire Lupton (Executive Secretary IAHS) and Eilise Norris (Managing Editor Agriculture, Environment and Water for Taylor & Francis)

IAHS is delighted to be able to show our appreciation to Frances Watkins for her 25 years of devoted service to IAHS and HSJ.

Hydrological Sciences Journal (HSJ), the official journal of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), is over 60 years old and is celebrated worldwide as a truly international hydrological journal.

HSJ has seen many changes of Editor and Editorial Board over the decades but has relied on the constant,­ steadying hand of Frances since her first appointment as Assistant Editor in 1993 through to her taking up the position of Editorial Manager in 2003, a role which she continues to fulfil.

In 2022 IAHS will celebrate its 100 years anniversary, so it’s wonderful to think Frances has been a part of our family for over a quarter of that span. The IAHS office, Association and the journal have undergone many changes in that time, not least of which has been a technological revolution within the world of publishing over the last 25 years.

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IUGG General Assembly Abstract Submission reminder

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Abstract submission deadline for the 27th IUGG General Assembly is 18th February.

The IAHS programme will be over the first half of the Assembly ie 9-14 July 2019.

It will be a busy week for IAHS members and there are plenty of opportunities to share your research and interact. IAHS are organising 29 Association Symposia (H01-H29) ranging from an update on the Unsolved Problems in Hydrology initiative, Predictions in Ungauged Basins and Water Related Education, to science-front focuses on all the hydrological compartments, interfaces and methods. For more information visit - http://iugg2019montreal.com/h.html 

IAHS members are also involved in 3 cryosphere related symposium, are leading 5 Joint symposia (JH01-JH05) and are involved in 16 other joint symposia with the IUGG family and UN Agencies, addressing the Panta Rhei decade, and tackling all the sustainability and emerging challenges related to Agenda 2030, the Anthropocene, Hydroclimate, citizen sciences, new monitoring technologies and service value chain.

Abstract submission, online registration and accommodation reservation are all now open on the website: http://iugg2019montreal.com/ 

For the full program overview and symposia details: http://iugg2019montreal.com/iugg-program.html
Registration and housing reservation: http://iugg2019montreal.com/register.html
Abstract submission: http://iugg2019montreal.com/abstract-submission.html
Submission of a travel grant application: http://iugg2019montreal.com/travel-grant.html

For additional information, please contact secretariatiugg2019@jpdl.com

IAHS at UN Water Meeting

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IAHS Secretary General Christophe Cudennec and IAHS Statistical Hydrology Past President Salvatore Grimaldi represented IAHS at the UN Water meeting in Rome this week.

IAHS at the IUGG General Assembly

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Abstract submission deadline for the 27th IUGG General Assembly is 18th February.

The IAHS programme will be over the first half of the Assembly ie 9-14 July 2019.

It will be a busy week for IAHS members and there are plenty of opportunities to share your research and interact. IAHS are organising 29 Association Symposia (H01-H29) ranging from an update on the Unsolved Problems in Hydrology initiative, Predictions in Ungauged Basins and Water Related Education, to science-front focuses on all the hydrological compartments, interfaces and methods. For more information visit - http://iugg2019montreal.com/h.html 

IAHS members are also involved in 3 cryosphere related symposium, are leading 5 Joint symposia (JH01-JH05) and are involved in 16 other joint symposia with the IUGG family and UN Agencies, addressing the Panta Rhei decade, and tackling all the sustainability and emerging challenges related to Agenda 2030, the Anthropocene, Hydroclimate, citizen sciences, new monitoring technologies and service value chain.

Abstract submission, online registration and accommodation reservation are all now open on the website: http://iugg2019montreal.com/ 

For the full program overview and symposia details: http://iugg2019montreal.com/iugg-program.html
Registration and housing reservation: http://iugg2019montreal.com/register.html
Abstract submission: http://iugg2019montreal.com/abstract-submission.html
Submission of a travel grant applicationhttp://iugg2019montreal.com/travel-grant.html

For additional information, please contact secretariatiugg2019@jpdl.com

Abstract submission deadline for IUGG Montreal is February 18, 2019

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This is a reminder that the abstract submission deadline for the 27th IUGG General Assembly is fast approaching on 18th February.

The 27th IUGG General Assembly will be held July 8-18, 2019 at the Palais des Congrès in Montréal, Québec, Canada. This is a special opportunity for participants from around the world to come together and share their science and culture. 2019 marks the 100th anniversary of IUGG; we will look back on the accomplishments of the previous century of Earth and space science research, and forward to the next century of scientific advancement. Join us for a host of scientific activities, including special public lectures, keynote Union lectures and a wide variety of themed sessions.

Abstract submission, online registration and accommodation reservation are all now open on the website: http://iugg2019montreal.com/.

The IAHS programme will be over the first half of the Assembly ie 9-14 July 2019.

IAHS stand alone symposia - http://iugg2019montreal.com/h.html

Program overview and symposia details: http://iugg2019montreal.com/iugg-program.html
Registration and housing reservation: http://iugg2019montreal.com/register.html
Abstract submission: http://iugg2019montreal.com/abstract-submission.html
Submission of a travel grant application: http://iugg2019montreal.com/travel-grant.html

For additional information, please contact secretariatiugg2019@jpdl.com

Abstract submission deadline for the 2019 MOXXI conference extended to January 17th

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The MOXXI 2019 International Conference will be hosted at New York University from March 11th to 13th in collaboration with the Citizen AND Hydrology (CandHy) working group of IAHS, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) HydroHub, and the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI).

The conference aims to bring together different researchers, users, and instrumentation developers to discuss how to overcome the barriers to the advancement of hydrological observations and to the operationalization of innovative hydrometric technologies and monitoring approaches. The event will provide a forum for sharing the latest developments in fields such as sensor technology, information systems, participatory monitoring and consideration of the key challenges faced by those delivering operational hydrometric monitoring services in the public and private sector.

The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to January 17th, 2019. The abstracts should be sent to flavia.tauro@unitus.it. The participants should indicate the preferred format for their contribution (e.g. oral/poster presentation, demonstration) when submitting their abstract.

For further details, please visit the IAHS webpage https://iahs.info/MOXXI2019/.

Subscription for Hydrological Sciences Journal for 2019

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The annual subscription is now due for Volume 64 (2019) of Hydrological Sciences Journal. Volume 64 remains at 16 issues but we are pleased to announce that the annual subscription rate remains the same. The Impact Factor is 2.061 with a 5-Year Impact Factor of 2.274 (©2018 Clarivate Analytics, 2017 Journal Citation Reports®).

The HSJ Editorial Board currently consists of Editor-in-chief Attilio Castellarin, and Co-editors Ross Woods and Stacey Archfield, as well as 41 Associate Editors. Details may be found at https://iahs.info/Publications-News/Hydrological-Sciences-Journal.do

Lists of Tison Award winning articles and Featured Articles – selected by the editors as meriting special attention – are free to view at: https://www.tandfonline.com/action/newsAndOffers?journalCode=thsj20

Volume 64 will continue to publish a special series of invited opinion papers directly linked to the IAHS "Panta Rhei" initiative that will be collated in the online virtual special series. Discussions and replies on these opinion papers will also be published.

Two special issues of Hydrological Sciences Journal are in progress:
·      Hydrological change in Chinese rivers (Panta Rhei in China meeting, October 2017; Guest editors: Yangbo Chen, Yangwen Jian and Marco Borga. Submission closed. Likely publication in mid-2019.

·      Hydrological Data: Opportunities and barriers; Guest editors: C. Cudennec, B. Arheimer, H. Lins, and S. Uhlenbrook. Deadline for submissions 31 March 2019.

Membership Subscription

Special journal subscription rates are available to IAHS Members: £27.00 for a personal online subscription, and £48.00 for a personal online + print subscription (£32.40 and £53.40, respectively for EU members, inclusive of VAT).

You can renew your membership online via the IAHS website at https://iahs.info/Members-Area/hsj-link.do or contact the IAHS office via phone +44 1491 692515, fax +44 1491 692448 or email info@iahs.co.uk.

IAHS Membership

Announcement of MOXXI 2019 International Conference

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The MOXXI 2019 International Conference will be hosted at New York University from March 11th to 13th in collaboration with the Citizen AND Hydrology (CandHy) working group of IAHS, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) HydroHub, and the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI).

The conference aims to bring together different researchers, users, and instrumentation developers to discuss how to overcome the barriers to the advancement of hydrological observations and to the operationalization of innovative hydrometric technologies and monitoring approaches. The event will provide a forum for sharing the latest developments in fields such as sensor technology, information systems, participatory monitoring and consideration of the key challenges faced by those delivering operational hydrometric monitoring services in the public and private sector.

The deadline for abstract submission is January 10th, 2019. The abstracts should be sent to flavia.tauro@unitus.it . The participants should indicate the preferred format for their contribution (e.g. oral/poster presentation, demonstration) when submitting their abstract.    

For further details, please visit the IAHS website.

IAHS Early Career Committee Outcome of evaluation

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IAHS is establishing an Early Career Committee (ECC). The ECC is aimed at representing the Early Career membership of the IAHS at the highest level, and within each Commission. IAHS ECC consists of the Early Career Representative of each IAHS Commission plus a chair (Nilay Dogulu) and co-chair (Tim van Emmerik).  ECC members are dedicated to fostering dialogue between Early Career members, and between current and future generations of hydrologists.

The open call for applications attracted 60 early career scientists. There were many high-quality applications from around the world. A comprehensive and detailed review was carried out by the IAHS Commissions and IAHS Bureau, considering diverse composition in terms of gender and geography. Below are the selected members of the IAHS ECC, each representing one IAHS Commission.

Commission ECC Member Gender Career Stage Country
ICCE Joris Eekhout male Post-doc Spain
ICCLAS Tirthankar Roy male Post-doc USA
ICGW Michelle Newcomer female Post-doc USA
ICRS Kartic Bera male Post-doc India
ICSH Svenja Fischer female Post-doc Germany
ICSIH Elzbieta Czyzowska-Wisniewski female Post-doc USA
ICSW Honeyeh Iravani female PhD UK
ICT Giovanny Mosquera male PhD Ecuador
ICWQ Jean Nepomuscene Namugize male PhD Rwanda
ICWRS Gokcen Uysal male Post-doc Turkey

The ECC is a two-year mandate. The first mandate will officially come into force from July 2019 at the 27th IUGG General Assembly (in Montreal, Canada http://iugg2019montreal.com/) and run until July 2021, when the next ECC will take over at the IAHS Scientific Assembly in Montpellier, France.

For an efficient inception, the ECC will get to work immediately! Their first task will be to organize activities for the upcoming IAHS symposia to be held as part of the 27th IUGG GA in Montreal, Canada.

We wish the IAHS ECC great success and look forward to working together!

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