2020 Summer Schools continued

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Dear IAHS members

Please find below announcements of two further Summer Schools which may be of interest to you:

PUB 2020 Summer School, Runoff Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB), 6th-10th July 2020, TU Wien (Austria). The purpose of the Summer School is to learn methods for estimating runoff characteristics in the absence of local runoff observations.



The 11th Annual Catchment Science Summer School will run 30th Aug - 4th September 2020 at the University of Birmingham (UK). The course is designed for PhD students and Post Docs in catchment science. The course is taught by Jeff McDonnell, Chris Soulsby, Jan Seibert, Ilja van Meerveld, David Hannah, Stefan Krause and many others. It is co-sponsored by the Global Institute for Water Security at the University of Saskatchewan, the University of Aberdeen, University of Zurich and Humboldt University. Course details can be found at: https://water.usask.ca/hillslope/teaching/catchment-science-summer-school.php .

Students are responsible for their own accommodation - there are inexpensive hotels and bed and breakfast options near the university, as well as Halls of Residence that can be contacted directly. The registration is £499 GBP and can be booked at: https://shop.bham.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/college-of-life-environmental-sciences/school-of-geography-earth-environmental-sciences/pgr-catchment-science-summer-school-2020 .

Enrolment is limited to 25 and is on a first come, first served basis.
Jeffrey McDonnell, FRSC

Please forward to potentially interested people.

Best wishes

Günter Blöschl
IAHS President

2020 Summer Schools

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The following summer schools will take place this summer and may be of interest to IAHS members. For more information please contact the organisers directly.


July 12th-17th 2020 at Villa Colombella (Perugia, Italy) 



·  Richard Vogel

·  Simon Michael Papalexiou

·  Ilaria Prosdocimi

Background and Goals
The Summer School will focus on advances in statistical theory and applications dealing with extremes in Earth System Sciences, and in Water Science in particular. The aim is to bring PhD students, post-docs, and young scientists from different disciplines together with leading scientists in the fields of statistics of extremes, hydrology, and Earth System Science in general. Towards this aim, the School will be composed of traditional lectures on advanced topics and of group research work lead by the lecturers on topics at the boundary of the state-of-the-art.

Scientific Committee
Roberto Deidda, Salvatore Grimaldi, Marco Marani, Elena Volpi  

Hydro-JULES Summer School

Modelling hydrology and global change

July 13-17th 2020 at UKCEH Wallingford in Oxfordshire

Course is open to everyone (UK/non-UK; student or professional) 

Open for applications until 30th April

The UK Hydro-JULES programme will host up to 15 students for a 5-day Summer School in 2020. The intention is to train undergraduate, post-graduate, early-career and other international junior scientists from the fields of water and the environment, land surface science, water resources, ecology, hydrometeorology, biogeochemistry and other related research areas concerned with the delivery of next-generation land-surface and hydrological predictions.

For more information and an application form please see https://hydro-jules.org/news/hydro-jules-summer-school-2020

Election of Dan Rosbjerg as Honorary President of IAHS

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It is with great pleasure that IAHS announce the election of Dan Rosbjerg as Honorary President of IAHS. IAHS President Günter Blöschl provided the following address:

Dan Rosbjerg of the Technical University of Denmark, has not only made outstanding contributions to hydrology in areas such as flood estimation and groundwater modelling and management, but he has also contributed immensely to furthering the hydrological sciences through his activities within IAHS and other international organizations. He was president and vice president of the International Commission on Water Resources Systems (ICWRS) for many years. During 2007-2011 he was vice-president of IAHS. Altogether he served as an IAHS-officer for 24 years in succession which, perhaps, is a record, just as his attendance of 20 IAHS/IUGG meetings in a row. He was editor of 12 IAHS red books where he put a great effort in helping authors to upgrade their papers with respect to language and structure. Dan has also served as Danish delegate to the Intergovernmental Council of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) of UNESCO and chaired the ad-hoc Governance Committee of IHP, through which he greatly facilitated the collaboration between IAHS and IHP. More recently he has been representing IAHS within the IUGG Commission on Climatic and Environmental Change (CCEC). He is therefore worthy of being elected as Honorary President of the IAHS. In this new role Dan Rosbjerg is once again in an excellent position to further advance the mission of IAHS.

Dan Rosbjerg accepted the position with the following response:

My first contact with IAHS was a paper in the Bulletin of the International Association of Scientific Hydrology in 1970, but it was after 1982 that my engagement with the Association really accelerated. By serving the Association and participating in numerous IAHS meetings, I also got invaluable inspiration from colleagues worldwide. Recently, it was a great privilege for me, together with John Rodda, to help the association by preparing the IAHS contribution to the IUGG centennial jubilee last year resulting in the HGSS paper on the IAHS history. The election as honorary president is much more than I could expect, and I am sincerely grateful for this additional opportunity to serve the Association.

A list of the Officers of IAHS can be found on the IAHS website.

IAHS/ICCE International Symposium 'River sediment quality and quantity: environmental, geochemical and ecological perspectives'

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Dear colleagues,

We would like to announce an extension to the registration deadline for the upcoming IAHS/ICCE International Symposium 'River sediment quality and quantity: environmental, geochemical and ecological perspectives'.

The IAHS event will be held in Bydgoszcz, Poland on June 1-5, 2020 (www.icce2020.ukw.edu.pl)

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

  • Sediment quantity – cascades, budgets, yields
  • Sediment impacts on river channel hydromorphology and managment
  • Sediment quality – geochemistry, nutrients, contaminants, emerging issues
  • Sediment-biota interactions
  • Business Day - inland waterways development in Middle-East Europe

Registration is open (click here)

Abstract submission deadline has been extended to March 1, 2020

All participant’s of ICCE 2020 will be able to submit papers to peer-reviewed scientific journals. Four of five journals are indexed on Web of Science (Core Collection) and Scopus. The papers will be reviewed according to requirements of the selected journals.

Contact Email: icce2020@ukw.edu.pl 

Website, Registration and Submission: www.icce2020.ukw.edu.pl 

We look forward to welcoming you in June in Bydgoszcz !


Abstract submission is now open for 9th International Water Resources Management Conference

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The 9th International Water Resources Management conference is being held in Cairns, Australia from Monday 20 to Wednesday 22 July 2020 (http://www.iahs-icwrs.org/conference/2020/index.html). This conference is part of the series of IWRM conferences organised by IAHS-ICWRS, and is also linked to the Panta Rhei Scientific Decade (2013-2022) of the IAHS. It has two very focused streams: ICWRS: advancing water resource management across the globe; and Progress in Panta Rhei: Change in Hydrology and Society.
Abstracts are due by January 31st. Please submit your abstract via the link below: https://meetings.copernicus.org/iwrm2020/contribution_management/how_to_submit.html

Full papers that have been accepted and presented at the symposium will be published in the Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (PIAHS).

This event is eligible for IAHS SYSTA travel support.


Barry Croke and Yongping Wei

Upcoming IAHS sessions at EGU General Assembly 2020

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The EGU General Assembly 2020 will be held in the Austria Center Vienna (ACV) in Vienna, Austria, from 3–8 May 2020. 

Please be advised that the abstract submission deadline is 15 January 2020, 13:00 CET

IAHS co-convenes several sessions, including the following ones, especially in line with its agenda-setting initiatives UPH, Panta Rhei, MOXXI, CANDHY and topics of the 10 commissions.

Unsolved Problems in Hydrology Sessions

HS1.2.1 | PICO
Pathways towards solving the Unsolved Problems in Hydrology (UPH)
Co-sponsored by AGU, IAH, and IAHS
Convener: Elena Toth | Co-conveners: Berit Arheimer, Günter Blöschl, Christophe Cudennec, Maria-Helena Ramos

Panta Rhei Sessions

HS1.2.4 | PICO
Panta Rhei: Hydrology, Society & Environmental Change
Convener: Fuqiang Tian | Co-conveners: Enrica Caporali, Giuliano Di Baldassarre, Heidi Kreibich, Tobias Krueger

Hydroclimatic change and unchange: exploring the mysteries of variability, nature and human impact
Convener: Serena Ceola | Co-conveners: Christophe Cudennec, Theano Iliopoulou, Harry Lins, Alberto Montanari


Spatial extremes in the hydro- and atmosphere: understanding and modelling
Convener: Manuela Irene Brunner | Co-conveners: A.B. Bardossy, Philippe Naveau, Simon Michael Papalexiou, Elena Volpi

HS7.7 | PICO
Hydroclimatic and hydrometeorologic stochastics: Extremes, scales, probabilities
Convener: Jose Luis Salinas | Co-conveners: Marco Borga, Auguste Gires, Hannes Müller-Thomy, Alberto Viglione

MOXXI session

HS1.1.1 | Posters only
The MacGyver session for innovative and/or self made tools to observe the geosphere
Convener: Rolf Hut | Co-conveners: Theresa Blume, Elisa Coraggio, Flavia Tauro, Andrew Wickert

CandHy session

HS3.2 | PICO
Innovative sensing techniques for water monitoring, modelling, and management: Satellites, gauges and citizens
Convener: Fernando Nardi | Co-conveners: Thaine H. Assumpção, Wouter Buytaert, Serena Ceola, Maurizio Mazzoleni

Further IAHS related sessions

Long-term catchment memory
Convener: Vazken Andréassian | Co-conveners: Berit Arheimer, Alban de Lavenne, Markus Hrachowitz, Amaury Tilmant

Advances in Socio-Hydrology
Convener: Britta Höllermann | Co-conveners: Iolanda Borzì, Giuliano Di Baldassarre, Murugesu Sivapalan, Ted Veldkamp

Socio-hydrological approach to understand conflict and cooperation dynamics in transboundary rivers
Convener: Jing Wei | Co-conveners: Mohammad Ghoreishi, Murugesu Sivapalan, Fuqiang Tian

Space-time dynamics of floods: processes, controls, and risk
Convener: William Farmer | Co-conveners: Heidi Kreibich, Luis Mediero, Alberto Viglione, Sergiy Vorogushyn

HS2.5.2 | PICO
Large-sample hydrology: characterising and understanding hydrological diversity
Convener: Sandra Pool | Co-conveners: Gemma Coxon, Wouter Knoben, Nicolas Vasquez, Keirnan Fowler

Subscription for Hydrological Sciences Journal for 2020

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The annual subscription is now due for Volume 65 (2020) of Hydrological Sciences Journal. Volume 65 remains at 16 issues but we are pleased to announce that the annual subscription rate remains the same. The Impact Factor of HSJ is 2.180 with a 5-year Impact Factor of 2.510 (©2019 Clarivate Analytics, 2018 Journal Citation Reports®).

The HSJ Editorial Board currently consists of Editor-in-chief Attilio Castellarin, and Co-editors Stacey Archfield and Aldo Fiori, supported by 41 Associate Editors. Details may be found at https://iahs.info/Publications-News/Hydrological-Sciences-Journal.do

Lists of Tison Award winning articles and Featured Articles – selected by the editors as meriting special attention – are free to view.

Volume 65 will continue to publish a special series of invited opinion papers directly linked to the IAHS "Panta Rhei" initiative that are collated in the online virtual special series. Link Discussions and replies on these opinion papers will also be published.

A special issue of Hydrological Sciences Journal is in progress:
·      Hydrological Data: Opportunities and barriers; Guest editors: C. Cudennec, B. Arheimer, H. Lins, and S. Uhlenbrook.

Membership Subscription
Special journal subscription rates are available to IAHS Members: £27.00 for a personal online subscription, and £48.00 for a personal online + print subscription (£32.40 and £53.40, respectively for EU members, inclusive of VAT).

You can renew your membership online via the IAHS website at https://iahs.info/Members-Area/hsj-link.do or contact the IAHS office via phone +44 1491 692515 or email info@iahs.co.uk.

IAHS Membership

International Hydrology Prize – Call for nominations before 31st December 2019

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The International Hydrology Prize is awarded annually by IAHS, with UNESCO and WMO, to two people who have made an outstanding contribution to hydrological science. More information, including previous awards, is available at  https://iahs.info/About-IAHS/Competition--Events/International-Hydrology-Prize.do.

Nominations for the Prize are made by National Committees to IAHS, National Committees to the UNESCO-IHP or National Hydrological Advisors to the WMO, and forwarded to the Secretary General of IAHS for consideration by the Nomination Committee. The Committee consists of the President and a Vice-President of IAHS, as well as representatives from UNESCO and WMO. 

Two medals are awarded under the International Hydrology Prize: the Dooge medal and the Volker medal. Both medals are intended to distinguish outstanding achievements by hydrological scientists but with a different focus. The Dooge medal is aimed at fundamental contributions to the science of hydrology, whereas the Volker medal is aimed at outstanding applications of hydrological science for the benefit of society at large. 

The following applies to both the Dooge and Volker medals:

  • The International Hydrology Prize shall be awarded to persons who have made outstanding contributions to hydrology such as confers on the candidate universal recognition of his or her international stature.
  • The contribution should have an identifiable international dimension extending beyond both the country of normal work and the specific field of interest of the candidate.
  • The medals may be awarded to hydrologists of long international standing or to younger but active hydrologists who exhibit qualities of international leadership in the science or practice of hydrology.
  • An active involvement in the work of IAHS and other international organisations in the field of hydrology should be counted as an advantage.

 Specific considerations for the Dooge medal:

  • The Dooge medal is particularly intended for hydrologists who have demonstrated scientific excellence, and have made fundamental contributions to the science of hydrology as evidenced by publications in the international scientific literature and other evidence of high standard.
  • Preference should be given to candidates who have recently exhibited outstanding international leadership in the science of hydrology.
Specific considerations for the Volker medal:

  • The Volker medal is dedicated for hydrologists who have applied their research and hydrological expertise to the benefit of society, addressing issues of public interest and development.
  • Applications of hydrology to the benefit of developing countries would count as an advantage.
  • Preference should be given to candidates who have contributed through both scientific and practical work, and who have made outstanding contributions to the Hydrology community as demonstrated by active involvement in the work of IAHS or other international hydrological associations.
Nomination format and procedure

Nominations should be received by the Secretary General of IAHS no later than 31 December 2019 – Christophe Cudennec at cudennec@agrocampus-ouest.fr  – and consist of:

  • a (max. 2, pages A4 format) nomination letter signed by a National Representative to IAHS, the President of a national committee of UNESCO-IHP, or a National Hydrological Advisor to the WMO, with one sentence citation (max. 200 characters), and stating why the nominee is the most qualified person to receive the Volker or Dooge medal, paying attention to the medal's dedication specified above;
  • the nominee’s CV (max. 3 pages, A4 format) with an emphasis on the contribution to hydrological science and international scientific cooperation, providing clear information on the main criteria used for the evaluation and the specific considerations mentioned above.
  • a list of the major scientific publications (max. 2 pages, A4 format).

Nominations are expected from the world diversity, and equally for female and male candidates.

Evaluation criteria

a)      Outstanding contributions to hydrology evidenced by universal recognition of his or her international stature.

b)      Identifiable contributions with international dimensions extending beyond both the country of normal work and the specific field of interest of the candidate.

c)      For senior candidates prove of Hydrologists activities of long international standing, or for younger candidates, prove of being active hydrologists with qualities of international leadership in the science or practice of hydrology.

d)      Active involvement in the work of IAHS and other international organizations in the field of hydrology is counted as an advantage.

e)      Application of the hydrological research performed and the use of his/her expertise to the benefit of society and addressing issues of public interest and development.

f)       Applications of hydrology to the benefit of developing countries counts as an advantage.

4th International Conference on the Hydrology of Large African Rivers

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The 4th International Conference on "The Hydrology of Large African Rivers" will be held in Cotonou, Republic of Benin from 24 to 28th November 2020.

The conference is organized in the frame of the UNESCO-IHP FRIEND-Water program, with the support of IAHS.

Full details of the conference are available on the website: https://friendgrandsfleuvesafriquecotonou2020.org/

Please register and submit your abstract through: https://friendgrandsfleuvesafriquecotonou2020.org/submission/.

Alongside the scientific sessions there are also several training sessions planned including 'the use of satellite data in hydrology' at discount prices for participants to the conference. Registration fees will be displayed on the website soon.

Selected presentations from the conference will be included in a PIAHS volume (indexed WOS and Scopus).

You can also follow the conference news on ResearchGate:

Ernest Amoussou FRIEND AOC coordinator and main organizer

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