New eBook: The Value of Water Monitoring
There is a solution – you understand the value of water monitoring but need additional, sustainable funding. Know that you are not alone. The gap between water monitoring capability and the rapidly evolving need for evidence-based policies, planning, and engineering design is growing worldwide. Learn how to form persuasive arguments that are sensitive to local politics and priorities to address this deficit in funding. The benefits of hydrological information DO vastly outweigh investments in water monitoring.
This free resource can help water resource professionals, government agencies, private enterprises, and citizens around the world frame locally meaningful discussions on how to best prepare for a secure water future. Here are some highlights:
- The universal value of water – social, economic & environmental benefits
- The cost of ignorance – adverse, unwanted outcomes
- The value of establishing relevance & trust – actionable information from data
- The economics of monitoring – benefit/cost analyses
- Tips for success in your quest for more funding
Stu Hamilton was a senior hydrometric technologist with Water Survey Canada for nearly 30 years and managed the operations of 500+ monitoring stations. Today, Stu is Senior Hydrologist at Aquatic Informatics and serves as an expert volunteer with the WMO, ISO, NASH, and OGC.
Read Stu’s new eBook The Value of Water Monitoring today and discover winning strategies to help you close the funding gap for your water monitoring program.
Aquatic Informatics
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