New co-editor of Hydrological Sciences Journal

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Mike Acreman joins Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz and Demetris Koutsoyiannis as a co-editor of the Hydrological Sciences Journal

Mike Acreman is science area lead on natural capital at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, UK and visiting Professor at University College London. His work focuses on the flows of ecosystem services from natural assets of the environment. His previous expertise is in environmental flows in rivers and wetland hydrology. In the UK he is advisor to the Defra, Environment Agency and Natural England, with recent work focusing on defining environmental flows for the Water Framework Directive and hydrological functions of wetlands. He was a lead author on freshwater systems in the UK National Ecosystem Assessment and on the science committees of Natural England and WWF-UK. Internationally he is an advisor to IUCN, the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar) and the World Bank. He has recently edited Special Issues of Hydrological Sciences Journal on Ecosystem Services of Wetlands and Environmental Flows. He is currently leading work for the Conventions on Biological Diversity and Wetlands (Ramsar) on the role of ecosystems in the water cycle.

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