MOXXI - New developments
The Measurements & Observations in the XXIst Century (MOXXI) working group has been established to promote the advancement of novel observational techniques and to lead to new sources of information to help in better understanding the hydrological cycle. MOXXI provides a reference place to share novel, multidisciplinary, and often unintended approaches for the observation of hydrological processes.
MOXXI initiatives include organizing topical international meetings, hosting workshops at major hydrological conferences, promoting special issues in peer-reviewed journals, and organizing schools and hands-on courses on innovative observational methodologies in hydrology.
Since the 26th IUGG General Assembly in Prague, MOXXI’s website has a new appearance and hosts dedicated pages for the working group’s friends, events, publications, pictures, and laboratories (http://iahs.info/Commissions--W-Groups/Working-Groups/MOXXI.do). Further, regular updates on MOXXI’s initiatives are disseminated to friends through a newsletter. If you would like to know more about the group’s activities, please send your email address to anyone of the group’s executive team members:
Flavia Tauro (flavia.tauro@unitus.it)
Rolf Hut (r.w.hut@tudelft.nl)
Theresa Blume (blume@gfz-potsdam.de)