MOXXI: Measurements and Observations in the XXIst century

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The MOXXI Working Group has been set the task to 'promote the advancement of novel observational techniques that leads to new sources of information to help better understand the hydrologic cycle' by the IAHS bureau. The MOXXI Working Group will provide a friendly place to share, collect, promote, discuss, test and improve observational techniques.

Hydrology is, at its core, an empirical science in which heterogeneity is found from the pore, all the way up to the catchment and global scale. To adequately deal with this heterogeneity numerous observations are needed.

Nowadays there is an increasing interest on new technologies or multidisciplinary initiatives for providing new hydrological observations. Science Questions 1 and 4 of Panta Rhei, the New Scientific Decade of IAHS, 2013-2022 Science Plan includes and underlines the importance of new observations. The new MOXXI WG will coordinate and emphasise this multidisciplinary topic.

  • The (starting) focus of this Working Group (WG) is to connect those working on observational techniques in hydrology to share their experiences. To achieve this, the WG will:
  • Setup a website to archive and centralise all important publication and online resources related to observations and observational techniques in hydrology.
  • Send out regular information bulletins to interested hydrologist to update them on new developments relating to observational techniques. Different media (email newsletters, twitter) will be used.
  • Organise an annual topical conference on novel observational techniques in hydrology. This conference will include live demonstrations, hands-on workshops, as well as keynote speakers from outside of hydrology to introduce new observational techniques and encourage multidisciplinary collaborations.
  • Sponsor, encourage and co-ordinate the organisation of scientific sessions on observational techniques in hydrology at major geo-scientific conferences (such as the different IAHS events, the EGU general assembly and the AGU fall meeting).

The MOXXI WG executive team consists of: Rolf Hut (Delft University of Technology, Chair), Theresa Blume (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam) and Flavia Tauro (Sapienza University of Rome).

Please regularly check the MOXXI web page for updates: http://www.iahs.info/Commissions--W-Groups/Working-Groups/MOXXI.do 

This is confirmed by several special sessions proposed during some Scientific Assemblies (EGU, AGU), by seminal papers or special issues (for example, special issue of WRR: http://dx.do1.org/10.1029/2009WR007966 and an upcoming special issue in Hydrological Processes)

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