More hydrology papers available to download from the IAHS website

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The full content of several IAHS Red Books has recently been added to the IAHS website so that all content in Publs 1 to 300 (except Publs 24, 25, 26 and 50) is now available. The PDFs of papers/book chapters can be downloaded without charge. The books recently added are: 

291 (2005)

Sediment Budgets 1 ed. by D. E. Walling & A. J. Horowitz. 372 + xii pp. 978-1-901502-87-9

292 (2005)

Sediment Budgets 2 ed. by A. J. Horowitz & D. E. Walling. 358 + xii pp. 978-1-901502-92-3

293 (2005)

Sustainable Water Management Solutions for Large Cities ed. by
D. A. Savic et al. 302 + x pp. 978-1-901502-97-8

294 (2005)

Dynamics and Biogeochemistry of River Corridors and Wetlands ed. by L. Heathwaite et al. 192 + viii pp. 978-1-901502-03-9

295 (2005)

Regional Hydrological Impacts of Climatic Change—Impact Assessment and Decision Making ed. by T. Wagener et al. 356 + x pp. 978-1-901502-08-4

296 (2005)

Regional Hydrological Impacts of Climatic Change—Hydroclimatic Variability ed. by S. Franks et al. 300 + x pp. 978-1-901502-13-8

297 (2005)

Bringing Groundwater Quality Research to the Watershed Scale. ed. by N. R. Thomson.  576 + xiv pp. 978-1-901502-18-3

298 (2005)

Permeable Reactive Barriers ed. by G. A. Boshoff & B. D. Bone. 176 + viii pp. 978-1-901502-23-7

299 (2005)

Geomorphological Processes and Human Impacts in River Basins. ed. by R. J. Batalla & C. Garcia. 244 + xii pp. 978-1-901502-28-2

300 (2006)

Hydrology 2020: An Integrating Science to meet World Water Challenges. ed. by T. Oki et al. 190 + xxxii pp. 978-1-901502-33-6

Note that print copies of these books are still available from IAHS (price 15 GBP including postage).  

To view/download the content of these Red Books go to www.iahs.info/publications

We will continue to add book content to the website over the next few months so that everything published before 2010 will be available to download. 

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