Land-Ocean Interaction - Hydrodynamics and biochemistry

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During the IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI joint scientific assembly in Gothenburg, IAHS was the the lead organizer of four joint symposia on:

- Advanced statistical methods for hydrology, oceanography and seismology (HPS1)

- Deltas: landforms, ecosystems and human activities (HP1)

- Land-ocean interaction – Hydrodynamics and biogeochemistry (HP2)

- Implications of sea-level change for the coastal zone (HP3)

These symposia were successful in gathering various scientific communities in order to address cross-cutting methodologies and key interfaces.

The Land-Ocean Interaction – Hydrodynamics and Biochemistry symposium addressed hot topics for both oceanographers and hydrologists, through a range of naturalistic and conceptual approaches. The spectrum of cocontributions covered most of the world, allowing the drawing out of some generalities and some specifics. The land-ocean interaction sessions were completed and enriched by several communications on land-lake and lagoon interactions. 

The Land-Ocean Interaction symposium was scheduled in sequence with the one on Implications of Sea-level Change for the Coastal Zone, which formed a very complete and comprehensive Friday at the assembly. A post-published Red Book is in preparation to capitalize the added value of these two symposia. This future Red Book, together with the one already published from the “Deltas” symposium, are major outputs of the cooperation between hydrologists and oceanographers.

Christophe Cudennec, IAHS SG and lead convener HP2

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