Invitation to the 2020 IAHS/ICCE International Symposium
We would like to invite you to the IAHS/ICCE International Symposium 'River sediment quality and quantity: environmental, geochemical and ecological perspectives'.
The IAHS event will be held in Bydgoszcz, Poland on June 1-5, 2020 (www.icce2020.ukw.edu.pl)
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Sediment quantity – cascades, budgets, yields
Sediment impacts on river channel hydromorphology and management
Sediment quality – geochemistry, nutrients, contaminants, emerging issues
Sediment-biota interactions
Business Day - inland waterways development in Middle-East Europe
Registration is open (click here)
Abstract submission deadline: Februrary 1, 2020
This event is eligible for IAHS SYSTA travel support.
All participant’s of ICCE 2020 will be able to submit papers to peer-reviewed scientific journals. Four of five journals are indexed on Web of Science (Core Collection) and Scopus. The papers will be reviewed according to requirements of the selected journals.
Contact email: icce2020@ukw.edu.pl
Website, Registration and Submission: www.icce2020.ukw.edu.pl
We look forward to welcoming you next June in Bydgoszcz !