International Hydrology Prize, Tison and other awards

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International Hydrology Prize, Tison Award and other awards



Gordon Young, Günther Blöschl and Bruce Stewart (WMO)

The winner of the 2013 International Hydrology Prize is Professor Günther Blöschl of TU Wien in Austria. The Prize, awarded annually by IAHS, UNESCO and WMO, was presented by Gordon Young (IAHS) and Bruce Stewart (WMO) at the IAHS Plenary meeting in Gothenburg. The full citation and Günther's response

Federico Lombardo and Elena Volpi are the winners of the 2013 Tison Award for their paper:

Rainfall downscaling in time: theoretical and empirical comparison between multifractal and Hurst-Kolmogorov discrete random cascades

co-authored with Demetris Koutsoyiannis, and published in Hydrological Sciences Journal 57(6),1052–1066Full citation and their response.

The award for the Early Career Hydrological Scientist Best Paper published in one of the Gothenburg proceedings volumes (Red Books 358-362) was made to Pouya Vahmani for his contribution (co-authored with Terri S. Hogue) on:

Modelling and analysis of the impact of urban irrigation on land surface fluxes in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.

published in Climate and Land Surface Changes in Hydrology ed. by E. Boegh et al. (2013, IAHS Publ. 359, 266-271). Pouya was unable to get to Gothenberg and so his prize, free conference registration and a complimentary ticket for the IAHS dinner, will be valid at the IAHS Assembly in Prague in 2015.     


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