ICSW Commission Meeting Minutes

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26 July 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden, IAHS Assembly

• All ICSW commission members:

Chair: Hafzullah Aksoy

1 General

All ICSW commission members participated in the commission meeting chaired by Prof. Hafzullah Aksoy (PE).
During the meeting, the chairman reported the past activities and near-future activities (the report presented during the first IAHS Bureau meeting). In addition, attention was given to the following particular issues:

  • The ICSW website needs to be updated: the chairman pointed out flaws in the current website, e.g., the vision involves too many organizations and too many subjects, it is unclear which ones are relevant and which ones are not. Meanwhile, updating with more recent activities is also needed to keep the momentum going.
  • Discussion is required from the floor on how ICSW should contribute to Panta Rhei, which is a new-raised program following PUB (Prediction in Ungauged Basins),mainly addressing change in hydrology and society. Comments and ideas are invited from the floor on how ICSW can contribute to bring science and society together.

2 Symposiums

Symposiums that shall be convened or co-convened by ICSW at the next IAHS meeting in Prague in 2015. The following were discussed.

2.1 Symposium
The symposium of addressing changes in flood risk and perception in catchments and cities, is proposed to be co-convened by ICWRS, ICSH and ICSW. H. Aksoy from ICSW is proposed as co-convener of the symposium. It is suggested that there be a simpler title for this symposium at a later stage.

2.2. Symposiums that ICSW shall convene/co-convene
The following symposiums were discussed in which ICSW shall convene or co-convene once it is accepted by the general conference.
• Topic 1: observations of variability and extremes of hydrological systems: How to manage or collect data/information, using Remote Sensing (space) technology. The Remote Sensing Commission will lead the symposium, while ICSW agree to co-convene this symposium.
• Topic 2: Development of mitigation / adaptation engineering / non-engineering measures for water security under global changes. It has been pointed out that this topic is overlaping with “Social-Hydrology Modelling” and “Water Resources Control” which are to be convened by / with ICWR.
• Change and Uncertainty in Surface water (Demetri, Taha, with ICSH) to be convened by ICSH.

Two workshops are proposed by ICSW:
• Runoff Prediction in Ungauged Basins / Runoff Prediction Under Change (ICSW lead convener, H. Aksoy and then co-convene several workshops).
• Minimize impact from human activity to protect Lakes, Wetlands, Estuaries, Deltas for future generations as these mentioned water bodies are under threat. It is suggested  that the title is changed to “Maintain Surface Water of Wetland, Lakes, Estuaries etc., for Future Generations”. This workshop is proposed to be a joint symposia with another association other than IAHS. H. Aksoy and Matt Hapacy from Australia are nominated to co-convene the workshop.

2.4 Symposium proposed by ICSW
ICSW also proposed a symposium to address particular issues or interests or development needs related to surface water, including the following:
• To address predictions under change considering hydrological interfaces (lead convener David Hannah ICSW, with ICCLAS, ICGW,…). It is encouraged to engage other people from other disciplines and take into consideration the interface at continental scale. It is also suggested to involve broader concepts such as quality issue, sediment, etc. The title is suggested to be more “mutual” and involving ”hydrology on the interfaces”; it is suggested that it be a potential joint symposia with other associations.
• Surface Water Quality Issue (co-convene with ICWQ, ICCE…). As this has been addressed by water quality commission, co-convene might be possible.
• Sediment Transport in Surface Water Systems: suggested to co–convene with ICWRS, ICCE, etc. It overlaps the symposium proposed by the sediment commission as “The Role of Sediment as an Indicator of Hydrology and Social Change”.
• Hege Hisdal proposed a symposium on “Hydrological Extremes Related with Climate Change Impact”. Salvatore Grimaldi pointed out that he has received a couple of proposals on extremes – particularly on “water security” issues.
• Flood was discussed, but it has been found included in a symposium proposed by the Water Resources Commission.
Salvatore Grimaldi has recorded symposiums and workshops proposed during the ICSW commission meeting, and will look into other symposiums to avoid overlapping.

3 Panta Rhei working groups
A new plan for the New Scientific Decade of IAHS of 2013-2022, the so-called Panta Rhei, addressing changing hydrology for a changing society, is proposed and accepted as the new plan for the next decade. Panta Rhei includes three targets, namely

  • Understanding,
  • Estimation and Prediction
  • Science in Practice.

Each target is led by a Target Leader and a Target Co-Leader. Target Leaders are nominated for a biennium and their role is to assist the Panta Rhei Chair in overseeing the scientific activity that is carried out within Panta Rhei and to keep the links with the community. The tasks of the Target Leaders include the identification and preliminary approval of Research Themes and Working Groups (the final approval is formalised by the IAHS Bureau), the organisation of Panta Rhei initiatives (scientific session at conferences, educational initiatives, summer schools etc.) and the synthesis of the activity that is carried out under each target.

The Officers of Panta Rhei are nominated by the IAHS Bureau for a biennium. They are nominated in 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2021.

For the Biennium 2013-2015, during the General Assembly held in Gothenburg, Hafzullah Aksoy from ICSW is nominated as the leader of Target 2 - Estimation and prediction; Yan Huang from ICSW is nominated as co-leader of Target 3 - Science in Practice.

Hafzullah Aksoy, President-elect ICSW

Commission participants during the break

President Eric Servat and PE Hafzullah Aksoy

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