IAHS Scientific Assembly July 10-14, 2017 - Port Elizabeth, South Africa

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10 – 14 JULY 2017
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
"Water and Development: scientific challenges in addressing societal issues”


The South African National Committee of the International Association of Hydrological Scientists (SANCIAHS) invites you to participate in the 2017 IAHS Scientific Assembly to be held from July 10-14 in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

The theme of the meeting is "Water and Development: scientific challenges in addressing societal issues” which is particularly appropriate in the context of an IAHS Scientific Assembly meeting being held for the first time in sub-Saharan Africa and is well aligned with the IAHS Panta Rhei.

The scientific programme will cover the following topics. Abstract submission will soon be open.

# Water security and the food-water-energy nexus: drivers, responses and feedbacks at local to global scales
# Hydrology and the Anthropocene
# Understanding spatio-temporal variability of water resources and the implications for IWRM in the semi-arid east and southern Africa
# Water Balance and Crop Water Productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa Agricultural Watersheds
# Land use change impacts on water resources
# Water resources management and the competition/balance between humans and ecosystems (eco-hydrology)
# Measurements in the 21st century: innovation in hydrological observations
# Environmental and artificial tracers as indicators in hydrology
# Innovative ICT tools for water management and science
# Prediction in ungauged basins
# Modelling hydrological processes for prediction under change
# Probabilistic forecasts and land-atmosphere interactions to advance hydrological predictions
# Extreme events: links between science and practice
# Advances in cold-region hydrological models: Integration of process understanding and application to climate and landcover changes
# Operational snowmelt runoff modelling: Advances and prospects for water management
# Water quality and sediment transport issues in surface water
# Long-term evolution in catchment water quality
# Changing biogeochemistry of aquatic systems in the Anthropocene: inter-comparison of data and models for predicting water quality
# Advancements in modeling and characterization of aquifer
# Methodologies for risk assessment of groundwater contamination
# Quantifying uncertainty in hydrological systems: A Bayesian point of view
# Nonstationarity in Hydrology: Theories, Methods and Applications
# Multivariate statistics for hydrological application
# Stochastic hydrology: simulation and disaggregation models
# Graduate Schools in Water Sciences
# Facilitating Scientific contributions in water diplomacy and cooperation processes

Further information is available on the website: http://cwrr.ukzn.ac.za/iahs/call-for-papers/iahs-2017-in-south-africa---invitation 

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