IAHS launch new travel award

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IAHS are pleased to announce the launch of the new SYSTA Sivapalan Young Scientists Travel Award / Bourse de voyage pour jeunes scientifiques.

SYSTA awards are available to eligible early career scientists attending IAHS events and who grew up and now reside in a financially disadvantaged country. Typically IAHS intends to make around 20 awards per year.

The first IAHS meeting for which SYSTA support is available will be the 27th IUGG Assembly in July 2019 in Montreal, Canada. The deadline for applications for support for the 2019 IUGG Assembly is Tuesday 13 November 2018 at 12 noon GMT.

Applications can be made in English or French.

The award will be limited to a maximum of €2000 per individual covering registration fee, visa fee (if necessary), accommodation and transport.

Full details of the award and the application procedure can be found at https://iahs.info/About-IAHS/SYSTA.do

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