IAHS Announce the winner of the 2017 Tison Award

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The Secretary General of IAHS is pleased to announce that the jury of the IAHS Tison award for young hydrologists (chaired by Demetris Koutsoyiannis) identified the following paper as the 2017 winner:

Mohammad Merheb, Roger Moussa, Chadi Abdallah, François Colin, Charles Perrin & Nicolas Baghdadi (2016) Hydrological response characteristics of Mediterranean catchments at different time scales: a meta-analysis, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61:14,2520-2539, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2016.1140174

Our congratulations go to the eligible author, Mohammad Merheb from Lebanon.

This award is prestigious with a 1000 US$ prize and a 1 year subscription to HSJ sponsored by Taylor & Francis the publisher of Hydrological Sciences Journal.

The paper is available free access on Taylor & Francis online - http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2016.1140174
The award will be conferred during the IAHS 2017 Scientific Assembly in Port Elizabeth, South Africa in July 2017.

The IAHS Tison Award, established in 1982, aims to promote excellence in research by young hydrologists. The Award is granted for an outstanding paper published by IAHS in a period of two years previous to the deadline for nominations.


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