HydroEco Conference 2017 - 2nd Circular

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Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite you to:

HydroEco 2017, the 7th International Multidisciplinary Conference on: Hydrology and Ecology.

HydroEco 2017 will take place at the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom from 18-23 June 2017. 
The theme of the HydroEco2017 conference will be:
“Ecohydrology on the edge: ecology-hydrology-human interactions in a changing world”

The aims of the 2017 conference are:
·         To present new concepts and theory on interactions between hydrology and ecology
·         To discuss innovative experimental technologies and modelling approaches at the interface between hydrology and ecology
·         To stimulate interdisciplinary interactions between hydrologists, ecologists, environmental scientists and practitioners
·         To inform about emerging trends in ecohydrological practice, management and decision making

Confirmed keynote speakers include:
·         Keith Smetten, University of Western Australia
·         Nancy Grimm, Arizona State University
·         Hjalmar Laudon, Swedish University of Agricultural Science
·         Jeff McDonnell, University of Sasketchewan
·         Laurel Larsen, UC Berkely
·         Chris Soulsby, University of Aberdeen
·         Glenn Watts, Environment Agency
·         Michael McClain, UNESCO-IHE
·         Steven Loheide, University of Wisconsin
·         Angela Gurnell, Queen Mary University of London
·         Merritt Turetsky, University of Guelph

Abstract submission and registration have opened now on the conference website: http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/generic/hydroeco2017/index.aspx 

Please visit our website for detailed information of the conference session program (http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/generic/hydroeco2017/about/Conference-Themes-and-Topics.aspx) , local transport and accommodation information.

We are looking forward to welcome you to this exciting conference in Birmingham next year.
Best regards

Stefan Krause (on behalf of the organizing committee)


Prof. Dr. Stefan Krause
Chair of Ecohydrology and Biogeochemistry
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Birmingham, 
Birmingham, Edgbaston
B15 2TT, UK

phone: (+44) 0121 4145535

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