Five new titles from IAHS - the Gothenburg books

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The following titles resulting from the Knowledge for the Future Assembly, 22-26 July 2013 in Gothenburg, Sweden are now available from the IAHS Bookshop.

Deltas: Landforms, Ecosystems and Human Activities

Editors Gordon Young & Gerardo M. E. Perillo; Associate Editors Hafzullah Aksoy, Jim Bogen, Alexander Gelfan, Gil Mahé, Phillip Marsh & Hubert Savenije

IAHS Publ. 358 (2013) ISBN 978-1-907161-36-0, 246 + x pp. Price £65.00

Deltas are environmental and economic hot spots, occupy about 1% of the global land surface, are home to some 500 million people and often are vibrant ecosystems. Physically they are complex systems, the end-products of catchment processes involving water supply, sediment delivery and water quality – elements that reflect changes in human influences and climatic drivers. Tides, waves, sea level changes, storm surges, tsunamis and littoral currents all impact. The contributions result from a joint symposium of the International Associations of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and Physical Sciences of the Ocean (IAPSO)

Climate and Land Surface Changes in Hydrology

Editors Eva Boegh, Eleanor Blyth, David M. Hannah, Hege Hisdal, Harald Kunstmann, Bob Su & Koray K. Yilmaz

IAHS Publ. 359 (2013) ISBN 978-1-907161-37-7, 470 + x pp. Price £95.00

Focuses on field-based and modelling studies addressing the sensitivity of hydrological and hydrometeorological fluxes of the coupled land–atmosphere system to climate and land-use change at local, regional and global scales. The volume includes significant model-based studies evaluating methodologies and impacts of using climate and weather prediction data including downscaling and uncertainty analyses. Hydrological sensitivity and impacts due to spatial and temporal land-use and land-cover variability are reported for a wide variety of environmental settings. 

Cold and Mountain Region Hydrological Systems Under Climate Change: Towards Improved Projections

Editors Alexander Gelfan, Daqing Yang, Yeugeniy Gusev & Harald Kunstmann

IAHS Publ. 360 (2013) ISBN 978-1-907161-38-4, 184 + viii pp. Price £57.00

The 25 contributions present new research results obtained from both experimental and modelling studies of river basins, snow cover, permafrost, glaciers and ecosystems in cold regions from the Andes to the Siberian tundra. Collectively, the studies reveal physical mechanisms that control cold region hydrological responses to climate change, and consider the sources and magnitude of uncertainties to improve projections of these responses under different geographical conditions and at various time scales: (1) Mountain hydrological systems under changes; (2) Lowland cold regions: changes in river flow; and (3) Changes in cryo- and eco-systems.

Understanding Freshwater Quality Problems in a Changing World

Editor Berit Arheimer; Co-editors Adrian Collins, Valentina Krysanova, Elango Lakshmanan, Michel Meybeck & Mike Stone

IAHS Publ. 361 (2013) ISBN 978-1-907161-39-1, 372 + xii pp. Price £87.00

Contributions are included from each continent providing a review of water quality problems worldwide, with articles describing present regional/local freshwater quality status and highlighting research needs. How the situation may develop into the future, given on-going changes in environment and society, is discussed. Questions addressed are: How to understand the behaviours of changing hydrological systems. How to effectively bring together theoretical and experimental hydrology, and new measurement techniques to advance knowledge of water quality processes for the future? How can the typical timescales of change be identified? How to estimate and predict freshwater quality with uncertainty assessment to support risk evaluation?

Considering Hydrological Change in Reservoir Planning and Management

Editor Andreas Schumann; Co-editors Vladimir Belyaev, Emna Gargouri, George Kuczera, Gil Mahé & Stephen Mallory

IAHS Publ. 362 (2013) ISBN 978-1-907161-40-7, 214 + x pp. Price £61.00

Provides an excellent overview of contemporary problems in reservoir management, from planning aspects of large multi-objective reservoirs and regarding small farm dams in Africa, to governmental matters, to sedimentation issues, to climate change impacts. Given the stochastic nature of hydrological conditions, the limited information available to characterize it and the multi-faceted targets of reservoir management, reservoir planning and operation are ambitious challenges for hydrologists and water managers. 

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