First WMO HydroHub Innovation Call - Innovation for Operational Hydrology

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The WMO HydroHub is looking for innovative solutions in operational hydrology. Apply to the Innovation Call to make a difference on the ground! Deadline: 20 August 2018

100.000 CHF seed-funding will be provided to sustainable solutions that can be up-scaled around the world.
Apply now

Applications to this call must address the following issues:

- Focus on freshwater quantity observation, namely water levels, river discharge, soil moisture and precipitation;
- Innovative observation technologies or monitoring approaches that could be adopted by National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs);
- Reduced total cost of ownership, i.e. comprising both direct and indirect costs (such as operations, maintenance, personnel training);
- Especially fit for Least-Developed Countries (LDC) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS);
- Maximizing impact on the ground through the creation of local income from sales and services generated by the awarded solution.

More information is available on the following webpage: http://hydrohub.wmo.int/en/news/first-wmo-hydrohub-innovation-call

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