Field Course in Hydrology & Geology at Reykjavik University

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 “The Principals of Resilience Based Management of Natural Resources” from 17th -22nd August, 2015.

The course will include daily field trips, field measurement, modelling aspects and management strategies.

This programme is a joint collaboration with the Soil Conservation Service of Iceland. For more information, or advice on applying, please check the website.

Within the Hydrology & Geology course we will visit typical Icelandic case studies to learn and discuss with experts about (this list is not complete):

-              Performing discharge measurements in natural rivers to assess water availability

-              Assess ecological status of river section

-              Discuss geological formations and their impacts on hydrological processes

-              Investigate and discuss representative areas of landscape degradation and restoration

-              Assess requirements of relevant stakeholders (e.g. hydropower, farming, nature conservation)

-              And finally learn and discuss the principals of resilience based management of natural resources.

The course is limited to 20 participants, so we will have interactive discussions on the above mentioned topics.

Registration is now open and we encourage you to share this with those you think may be interested.

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