Extended abstract submission deadline, Remote Sensing and GIS - RSHS'14 and ICGRHWE'14
The 3rd Remote Sensing and Hydrology Symposium (RSHS’14) and the 3rd International Conference of GIS/RS in Hydrology, Water Resources and Environment (ICGRHWE’14)
Guangzhou, China, 24-27 August 2014
Organized by the International Commission on Remote Sensing (ICRS) of IAHS and Sun Yat-Sen University, China. Co-organizers are the University of Swansea, UK and the University of Nebraska, USA.
- Theme A, GIS and Remote Sensing includes Data mining and assimilation, GIS and Remote sensing technologies and products, Hydroinformatics, Software and tools.
- Theme B, Hydrology Hydrological modelling, Flood management, Global hydrologic cycle, Urban hydrology, Eco-hydrology.
- Theme C, Water Resources Water resources modeling, Integrated water resources management and planning, Reservoir management, Water resources management system, Dam development, Water transfer.
- Theme D, Environment Water quality modeling, Pollutant fate and transport in reservoirs, rivers and lakes, Groundwater quality modelling, River and dam restoration, Ecosystem diversity and integrity.
Abstract submission: online, up to 300 words, before 30 April 2014. The abstract should clearly state the purposes, methods, preliminary results and conclusions, and indicate the conference topics and presentation method (oral or poster); figures, equations and tables are not allowed.
The accepted abstracts will be pre-published, and the full papers will be included in a CD-ROM and distributed to the conference participants during the conference. Selected papers will be further reviewed and be published in the IAHS Red Book series and other internationally-refereed journals as special issues.
Conference Chairman: Prof. Yangbo Chen