Change of Officers of IAHS

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The election of Officers of IAHS and its 10 Commissions occurs every four years during the IUGG General Assembly. The most recent elections were held in Montréal in 2019. The offices are held for the period 2019-2023, except for the Presidents who were elected in 2019 and whose mandate is 2021-2025. In July 2021 the Presidents became Past-Presidents and the Presidents-Elect became Presidents.

Ordinarily the transition to new president will occur during the IAHS Scientific Assembly. However, due to the Coronavirus pandemic the 2021 Scientific Assembly has been delayed until 2022 and therefore the transition was confirmed during the recent online IAHS Bureau meeting.

With immediate effect the new officers are as follows:

IAHS President Berit Arheimer Sweden
Past-President Günter Blöschl Austria
ICCE President Paolo Porto Italy
Past-President Adrian Collins UK
ICCLAS President Richard Petrone Canada
Past-President Harald Kunstmann Germany
ICGW President Felipe de Barros Brazil / USA
Past-President Aldo Fiori Italy
ICRS President Amir AghaKouchak Iran / USA
Past-President Yangbo Chen China
ICSH President Elena Volpi Italy
Past-President Ashish Sharma Australia
ICSIH President Melody Sandells UK
Past-President Tobias Jonas Switzerland
ICSW President David Hannah UK
Past-President Gil Mahé France
ICT President Zhonghe Pang China
Past-President Christine Stumpp Germany / Austria
ICWQ Co-President (2021-2023) Elango Lakshmanan India
Co-President (2023-2025) Xiaohong Chen China
Past-President Wouter Buytaert Belgium / UK
ICWRS President Barry Croke Australia
Past-President Andreas Schumann Germany
Panta Rhei 5th Biennium Chair Heidi Kreibich Germany
4th Biennium Chair Fuqiang Tian China

We welcome the new Presidents to their post and look forward to an exciting time at IAHS as we celebrate 100 years since the founding of the Association in Rome in 1922, and to the IAHS 2022 Scientific Assembly in Montpellier, France with a focus on the Unsolved Problems in Hydrology initiative and the end of the decade of Panta Rhei.

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