CALL FOR APPLICANTS — IAHS Early Career Committee
Early Career scientists make up a significant amount of our community, creating an opportunity to include a new generation of hydrologists as active contributors to IAHS.
During its Bureau Meeting in July 2017 IAHS decided to strengthen its Early Career scientist representation to enable more active participation of those members within IAHS Commissions and Working Groups. To achieve this goal IAHS will establish an Early Career Committee (ECC) consisting of the Early Career Representative of each IAHS Commission plus a chair and co-chair. The IAHS definition of Early Career embraces scientists up to 5 years after completion of the PhD (allowing for an extra year per child for parents if they took parental leave).
More information on the Early Career Committee is available on the IAHS website - https://iahs.info/About-IAHS/Early-Career-Committee-.do
If you are interested in becoming an Early Career Scientist Representative for one of the IAHS Commissions, you can apply by completing the form by 15 August 2018. The ECC embraces equal opportunity for all its members, and strives to have a diverse composition in terms of gender and geography.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Nilay Dogulu (ndogulu@metu.edu.tr)
Tim van Emmerik (thm.vanemmerik@gmail.com)
During its Bureau Meeting in July 2017 IAHS decided to strengthen its Early Career scientist representation to enable more active participation of those members within IAHS Commissions and Working Groups. To achieve this goal IAHS will establish an Early Career Committee (ECC) consisting of the Early Career Representative of each IAHS Commission plus a chair and co-chair. The IAHS definition of Early Career embraces scientists up to 5 years after completion of the PhD (allowing for an extra year per child for parents if they took parental leave).
More information on the Early Career Committee is available on the IAHS website - https://iahs.info/About-IAHS/Early-Career-Committee-.do
If you are interested in becoming an Early Career Scientist Representative for one of the IAHS Commissions, you can apply by completing the form by 15 August 2018. The ECC embraces equal opportunity for all its members, and strives to have a diverse composition in terms of gender and geography.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Nilay Dogulu (ndogulu@metu.edu.tr)
Tim van Emmerik (thm.vanemmerik@gmail.com)