Call for Abstracts - International Symposium on Erosion and Sediment Transport, December 2014

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Location:       New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Dates:  11–14 December 2014 (AGU Fall Meeting 2014 immediately follows )
Abstract Deadline:  10 October 2013 
Announcing the opening of abstract submissions for the ICCE/IAHS 2014 Symposium -- Sediment Dynamics: From the Summit to the Sea. High attendance to this event at a unique and attractive city is anticipated, so please consider submitting your abstracts as early as possible as we are operating with limited space for oral presentations. For more information, visit the conference webpage at http://www.rnr.lsu.edu/icce2014/.
Y. Jun Xu, Ph.D.
School of Renewable Natural Resources
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA
Phone: 225-578-4168
Email: yjxu@lsu.edu

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