Abstract Submission Dates for IUGG General Assembly

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Abstract Deadline for the XXVI IUGG General Assembly

The Local Organizing Committee and the Scientific Program Committee of the XXVI IUGG General Assembly announced the following abstract submissions dates:
- 15 January 2015, due date for the abstract submission in case of an application for a travel grant award; and
- 31 January, due date for the abstract submission.

Other important dates to be marked in your calendar:
- 31 March, due date for the notification of paper acceptance and successful grant application;
- 10 April, early bird registration deadline.

Please read carefully the abstract submission guidelines before submitting your abstract at: http://www.iugg2015prague.com/abstract-submission-guidelines.htm. All presenters are limited to two oral presentations, except for the invited Union Plenary Lecturers, who may present two oral presentations in addition to their Union lectures.

For all abstract submission and registration details, and the scientific program outline, go to: http://www.iugg2015prague.com.

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