Abstract deadlines for Dooge-Nash and ICCE conferences

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The Dooge-Nash International Symposium

Dublin Castle, Ireland, 24-25 April 2014

Abstract deadline - 31 October 2013.   Full details at www.dooge-nash.org 

The Dooge-Nash International Symposium, to be held at Dublin Castle, Ireland, 24-25 April 2014, will celebrate the contributions of Irish Hydrologists Jim Dooge and Eamonn Nash in establishing, internationally, the key role of hydrology in many critical global issues.

The focus will be the role of hydrology in:

- Water resouces and social justice 

- Climate change and biomes 

- Engineering disciplines 

- Uncertainty and decision making


New orleans icce conference

New Orleans, US, 11-14 December 2014

Abstract deadline - 10 November 2013.   Full details at www.rnr.lsu.edu/icce2014/default.htm

A message from Prof. Paolo Porto, Secretary of IAHS-ICCE (International Commission on Continental Erosion) http://www.icce.altervista.org/

Dear all,
just an important update about the New Orleans ICCE conference.
Due to the US Federal Government shutdown, abstract submission deadline is extended to 10 November 2013.
So, for those of you that could not meet the first deadline (October 10) there is still some time to send an abstract to the conference committee by email: ICCE2014NO@gmail.com
With my best wishes



(International Commission on Continental Erosion) http://www.icce.altervista.org/

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