8th International Water Resources Management Conference update

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Beijing IAHS - 13-15 June 2018

Innovative Water Resources Management under Changing Environment - Understanding Interactions and Making Balance between Humankind and Nature

Dear friends and colleagues,

For the second time the International Water Resources Management conference of IAHS will take place in the P.R. of China. We are very pleased that Professor Zongxue Xu, a vice-president of our commission, from the College of Water Sciences of the Beijing Normal University will be our host between the 13th and 15th June 2018.

The main topics of the conference are water management issues with regard to the sustainability of the environment:

  • Ecological baseflow /Environmental flow to maintain the health of rivers and lakes
  • Water needs for a healthy society
  • Interactions between water resources and ecosystem

The program contains also the classical problems of water management:

  • Assessment of available water resources at regional and basin scales
  • Socio-hydrology as the basis of water resources management
  • Water resources allocation and management models
  • Impact of climate change and human activities on water resources
  • Risk analysis for water resources systems, and
  • Spatiotemporal distribution of water resources availability

In this way, the program is wide spreaded and offers many opportunities to present and discuss new scientific results and their practical applications. You are cordially invited to take part in this meeting and to submit an abstract: http://iwrm2018.bnu.edu.cn/ 

Please note that the deadline for abstract submissions has been extended until September 30th 2017!

I hope to meet you in Beijing!

Andreas Schumann
President of ICWRS

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