8th International Water Resources Management Conference of ICWRS PIAHS Volume 379 available online

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The 8th International Water Resources Management Conference Beijing, China, 13–15 June 2018 Innovative Water Resources Management in a Changing Environment – Understanding and Balancing Interactions between Humankind and Nature papers are all available open access as PIAHS Volume 379.

During the past hundreds of years, various kinds of water resources systems have been developed to support efficient uses of water resources for humankinds worldwide. Such kinds of systems were mainly used to provide humankind with clean water for irrigation, industry and domestic uses. The history of water resources systems is part of the history of humankind itself. The development of water resources systems needs a careful analysis on water demands and environmental impact. Unfortunately, consideration on the water

needs for nature is not enough for many water resources systems. This fact has resulted in the deterioration of water quality and even degradation of ecosystem in many river basins. Due to the rapid development of economics and society worldwide, present challenges for water resources systems are mostly unprecedented. A new effort to devise innovative technologies and solutions for present water problems should be paid much attention by research community including IAHS. These challenges for water resources systems highlight that the adaptation to the changing environment is an essential field of research, which is also involved in the

Panta Rhei Scientific Decade (2013–2022) of IAHS. Efficient adaptation requires gaining a forward vision on future water demands and water availability. A deep understanding of the two-way interaction between nature and humankinds is needed to develop such vision.

The symposium included the following themes:
– Water resources management under changing environment
– Socio-hydrology as the basis of water resources management
– Assessment of available water resources at regional and basin scales

Conference website http://iwrm2018.bnu.edu.cn/


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