7th FRIEND-Water Conference Proceedings now available

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Hydrology in a Changing World: Environmental and Human Dimensions

IAHS Publ 363 (edited by Trevor M. Daniell et al.) is the reviewed proceedings of the 7th World FRIEND-Water Conference held in France in October 2014. 

FRIEND-Water (Flow Regimes from International and Experimental Network Data) is an international collaborative research initiative under the umbrella of UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme (IHP); it facilitates understanding about how climate, river basin and human factors influence the spatial and temporal distribution of water. 

The 75 contributions in this volume share knowledge on changes in hydrological processes and their impacts, including ecological flows, erosion and sedimentation, and the development of adaptable water management and water policies to account for these impacts, as well as changes in the frequency and variability of floods and droughts due to a variety of factors.

The book is available  through the IAHS website - link. The abstracts to all papers can be viewed and printed.

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