4th IAHR Europe Congress - Deadline for abstract submission: 1st October 2015

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This is a reminder that the deadline for submitting abstracts for the 4th IAHR Europe Congress is in less than two weeks from now. The deadline is 1st October 2015.

Submit your abstract here: http://www.iahr2016.ulg.ac.be/

The upcoming IAHR Europe Congress will be hosted by the University of Liege, Belgium, from 27 to 29 July 2016. It is the fourth in a successful series, formerly held in Edinburgh 2010, Munich 2012 and Porto 2014. This congress has become a prestigious event in the agenda of hydro-environment researchers and practitioners from all over Europe and beyond. It will provide a unique forum for scientists, professionals, managers and policy-makers to share recent research advances and be updated on the latest technology in all branches of hydraulic and water engineering.

The congress is sponsored by the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) and co-sponsored by:

·         the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS)

·         and Societe Hydrotechnique de France (SHF)

It is supported by Nortek BV.

The Congress themes cover:

·         Hydro-environment and eco-hydraulics

·         Water as a renewable energy

·         Coastal aspects in the era of global change

·         Hydraulic engineering and water resources

·         Hydrometeorological extremes, uncertainties and global change

In addition to regular papers, submissions are also open for several special sessions / thematic workshops organized by dedicated Convenors.

The scientific quality of the conference is ensured by an International Scientific Committee, grouping about 70 top scientists, who are committed to performing an in-depth reviewing of all scientific contributions.

All details about the venue, accommodation, transportation and registration fees are available online at http://www.iahr2016.ulg.ac.be/

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