23 Unsolved Problems in Hydrology - Update

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In November 2017 IAHS launched an initiative to generate the 23 unsolved problems in Hydrology that would revolutionise research in the 21st century with a YouTube video. We have since been gathering a list of questions and discussion through the IAHS LinkedIn Group https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13552921 .

The list will be discussed during the Splinter meeting on Friday, 13th April 2018 at EGU in Vienna and further discussed and finalised at the 2018 Vienna Catchment Science Symposium - "23 unsolved problems in Hydrology that would revolutionise research in the 21st century", on Saturday, 14th April, at Vienna University of Technology http://www.waterresources.at/fileadmin/user_uploads/News_items/VCSS_Programme_2018_v4.pdf .

The forum welcomes inputs and discussions until next Thursday, 12th April before the meetings in Vienna on Friday and Saturday.

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