2020 Summer Schools continued

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Dear IAHS members

Please find below announcements of two further Summer Schools which may be of interest to you:

PUB 2020 Summer School, Runoff Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB), 6th-10th July 2020, TU Wien (Austria). The purpose of the Summer School is to learn methods for estimating runoff characteristics in the absence of local runoff observations.



The 11th Annual Catchment Science Summer School will run 30th Aug - 4th September 2020 at the University of Birmingham (UK). The course is designed for PhD students and Post Docs in catchment science. The course is taught by Jeff McDonnell, Chris Soulsby, Jan Seibert, Ilja van Meerveld, David Hannah, Stefan Krause and many others. It is co-sponsored by the Global Institute for Water Security at the University of Saskatchewan, the University of Aberdeen, University of Zurich and Humboldt University. Course details can be found at: https://water.usask.ca/hillslope/teaching/catchment-science-summer-school.php .

Students are responsible for their own accommodation - there are inexpensive hotels and bed and breakfast options near the university, as well as Halls of Residence that can be contacted directly. The registration is £499 GBP and can be booked at: https://shop.bham.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/college-of-life-environmental-sciences/school-of-geography-earth-environmental-sciences/pgr-catchment-science-summer-school-2020 .

Enrolment is limited to 25 and is on a first come, first served basis.
Jeffrey McDonnell, FRSC

Please forward to potentially interested people.

Best wishes

Günter Blöschl
IAHS President

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