2016 International Hydrology Prize medalists

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IAHS are pleased to announce the recipients of the International Hydrology Prize (Dooge medal and Volker medal) for 2016.

The award ceremony will be held at the end of the Kovacs colloquium on 15 June 2016 in UNESCO HQs, Paris

IHP Dooge medal: Jeffrey J. McDonnell (Canada)
IHP Volker medal: Denis Hughes (South Africa)

The International Hydrology Prize is awarded annually by IAHS, with UNESCO and WMO, to two people who have made an outstanding contribution to hydrological science.

Nominations for the Prize are made by National Committees to IAHS, National Committees to the UNESCO-IHP or National Hydrological Advisors to the WMO, and forwarded to the Secretary General of IAHS for consideration by the Nomination Committee. The Committee consists of the President and a Vice-President of IAHS and representatives of UNESCO and WMO.

As of 2014, two medals are awarded under the International Hydrology Prize: the Dooge medal and the Volker medal. Both medals are intended to distinguish outstanding achievements by hydrological scientists but with a different focus. The Dooge medal is aimed at fundamental contributions to the science of hydrology, whereas the Volker medal is aimed at outstanding applications of hydrological science for the benefit of society at large.


Our warmest congratulations go to both recipients.

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