11th Kovacs Colloquium, Paris, 16-17 June 2014, final programme

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16-17 June 2014, Room IV (Fontenoy), UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France

Jointly organised by UNESCO IHP and IAHS

This Colloquium is the continuation of a series of biennial international scientific meetings organized jointly by the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) of UNESCO and the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) in the most challenging fields of water resources research.

The Colloquium will address the emergence and development of water security concepts over the past decades, the state of present day ideas and opinions, and will look to likely developments in the future. Of particular importance will be inclusion of the new IAHS decade of research “Panta Rhei – Change in Hydrology and Society” and its relevance to Water Security.

The Colloquium will combine invited papers with a panel discussion and a poster session.

Day 1: Monday 16 June 2014

8.30–9.00 Registration

9.00–9.30 Opening Ceremony

Ms Blanca Jiménez-Cisneros
Director, Division of Water Sciences, UNESCO;
Secretary of the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme (UNESCO IHP);

Mr Hubert Savenije, President, International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS).

9.30–11.00 Chair: Mr Siegfried Demuth, UNESCO IHP

Rapporteur: IAHS

Responding to the challenges of Water Security: the Eighth Phase of the International Hydrological Programme 2014–2021
Ms Blanca Jiménez-Cisneros, UNESCO IHP

Panta Rhei, the new science decade of IAHS
Mr Hubert Savenije, IAHS

Water Security – science and management challenges
Mr Howard Wheater, Global Institute for Water Security, Canada.

11.00–11.30 Coffee break

11.30–13.00 Chair: Mr Christophe Cudennec, Secretary General, IAHS

Rapporteur: IHP

Anthropocene Futures and Water Security
Mr Frans Berkhout, Future Earth, France

Hydrological extremes and security
Mr Zbignew Kundzewicz and Mr Piotr Matczak, Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan, Poland, and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, Germany

New problems and opportunities of oil spill monitoring
Mr Grigory M. Barenboim et al., Institute of Water Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia

13.00–15.00 Lunch break

15.00–16.30 Chair: Mr Anil Mishra, UNESCO IHP

Rapporteur: IAHS

Water availability, water quality and water governance: the future ahead
Mr José Galizia Tundisi et al., Instituto Internacional de Ecologia, Brazil

Uncertainty in regional impacts of climate change: a growing challenge for
water management in the developing world
Mr Pradeep Mujumdar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Integrated water resources management using engineering measures
Ms Yan Huang, Water Resources Commission, China

17.00–18.00 Poster session

Day 2: Tuesday 17 June 2014

9.00–11.00 Chair: Mr Johannes Cullmann, Chair, Intergovernmental Council of the IHP

Rapporteur: IAHS

Measuring what we manage – the importance of hydrological data to water resources management
Mr Bruce Stewart, Climate and Water, WMO, Switzerland.

What part of natural flow can be considered a water resource?
Mr Vazken Andreassian et al., IRSTEA - National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture, France.

Water and Energy nexus: findings of the World Water Development Report 2014
Ms Michela Milleto, World Water Assessment Programme, Italy.

Capacity building for hydrological change – using a Blended Learning approach
Mr Heribert Nacken, UNESCO Chair in Hydrological Change, RWTH University, Germany.

11.00–11.30 Coffee break

11.30–12.45 Panel Session

Moderator: Mr Gordon Young, Past President, IAHS

Rapporteur: IHP and IAHS

Panel Speakers:

  • Mr António Chambel, International Association of Hydrogeologists
  • Mr Roger Falconer, International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research
  • Ms Ania Grobicki, Global Water Partnership
  • Ms Blanca Jiménez-Cisneros, UNESCO IHP
  • Mr Alberto Montanari, IAHS

12.45–13.00 Conclusion from the Moderator Mr Gordon Young

End of the session


All interested hydrologists are invited to participate; registration is free of charge. Register at: bit.ly/1kMZdsR

The Kovacs Colloquium conveners are G. Young, A. Mishra, S. Demuth and C. Cudennec

Contact: Ms Barbara Lwanga Kavuma, IHP Secretariat, b.lwanga@unesco.org

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