
PUB Publications

The PUB Movement has given rise to a wide range of peer-reviewed papers, presentations and discussion documents: many these have been included in the publications listed below. (Please note that all IAHS publications are available from the IAHS in Wallingford, UK).

PUB (2003-2012): Shaping an Exciting Future for Hydrological Sciences
Hydrological Sciences, 48(6) December 2003
2.56Mb PDF

Predictions in Ungauged basins for Sustainable Water Resources Planning and Management
Editor: Srinivasa Raju
The book contains twenty edited papers of various perspectives related to Predictions in Ungauged Basins for Water Resources Management by eminent experts. An introduction to the topic is also given by an overview.
ISBN 81-8360-044-1
Publisher: M/S Jain Brothers, New Delhi, India

Streamflow Generation Processes: Selection, Introduction and Commentary
Author: Keith J. Beven
Series Editor: Jeff McDonnell
IAHS Benchmark Papers in Hydrology Series, 2006

Prediction in Ungauged Basins: International Perspectives on the State of the Art and Pathways Forward
With chapters by participants at the Perth Workshop, Australia, 2004
IAHS Publication 301

Sustainability of Groundwater Resources and its Indicators
Editors: Bruce W. Webb, Ricardo Hirata, Eduardo Kruse & Jaroslav Vrba
IAHS Publication 302, July 2006

Predictions in Ungauged basins: promises and progress
Editors: Murugesu Sivapalan, Thorsten Wagener, Stefan Uhlenbrook, Erwin Zehe, Venkat Lakshmi, Xu Liang, Yasuto Tachikawa & Praveen Kumar
IAHS Publication 303, May 2006: 520 pp

Hydrology 2020 - An Integrating Science to Meet World Water Challenges
Editors: Taikan Oki, Caterina Valeo & Kate Heal
IAHS Publication 300, April 2006: 190 pp

Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling: From Uncertainty to Decision Making
Editors: M. F. P. Bierkens, J. C. Gehrels & K. Kova
IAHS Publication 304, May 2006

Frontiers in Flood Research
Editors: Ioulia Tchiguirinskaia, Khin Ni Ni Thein, Pierre Hubert
IAHS Publication 305, June 2006: 212 pp
(IAHS / IHP-UNESCO Joint Publication)

Sediment Dynamics and Hydromorphology of Fluvial Systems
Editors: John S. Rowan, Robert W. Duck & Alan Werritty
IAHS Publication 306, June 2006

Large Sample Basin Experiments for Hydrological Model Parameterization: Results of the Model Parameter Experiment - MOPEX
Editors: Vazken Andrssian, Alan Hall, Nane Chahinian & John Schaake
IAHS Publication 307, 2006: 348 + iv pp, plus a DVD with data
ISBN I978-1-901502-73-2

Climate Variability and Change - Hydrological Impact
Editors: Siegfried Demuth, Alan Gustard, Eduardo Planos, Fred Scatena & Eric Servat
IAHS Publication 308, November 2006: 708 + xii pp
ISBN 978-1-90150278-7

PUB Kick-Off Meeting, Held in Brasilia (20-22 November 2002)
Editors: D. Schertzer, P. Hubert, S. Koide & K. Takeuchi
IAHS Publication 309, 2007
Open access at

Water in Celtic Countries: Quantity, Quality and Climate Variability
Editors: J. P. Lobo Ferreira & José M. P. Viera
IAHS Publication 310, 2007

A New Focus on Groundwater–Seawater Interactions
Editors: Ward Sanford, Christian Langevin, Maurizio Polemio & Pavel Povinec
IAHS Publication 312, 2007

Quantification and Reduction of Predictive Uncertainty for Sustainable Water Resources Management
Editors: Eva Boegh, Harald Kunstmann, Thorsten Wagener, Alan Hall, Luis Bastidas, Stewart Franks, Hoshin Gupta, Dan Rosbjerg & John Schaake
IAHS Publication 313, 2007

Water Quality and Sediment Behaviour of the Future: Predictions for the 21st Century
Editors: Bruce W. Webb & Dirk De Boer
IAHS Publication 314, 2007

Changes in Water Resources Systems: Methodologies to Maintain Water Security and Ensure Integrated Management
Editors: Nick van de Giesen, Xia Jun, Dan Rosbjerg & Yoshihiro Fukushima
IAHS Publication 315, 2007

Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring and Change Detection
Editors: Manfred owe & Christopher Neale
IAHS Publication 316, 2007

The PUB Decade: how should it evolve?
Author: Robin Clarke
Hydrological Processes 19(14), 2865-2869, 2005

Prediction in Ungauged Basins: Approaches for Canada's Cold Regions
Authors: Chris Spence et al, Canadian Water Resources Association
(comprising paper presented at a workshop in Yellowknife, Canada, 2004)

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