If you would like to add a link to your own site here, please send details of the site, and a brief description of its relevance to the PUB Movement, to info@iahs-pub.org
IAHS | International Association for Hydrological Sciences |
IUGG | International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics |
IUGG2011 | XXV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Melbourne, Australia: July 2011 |
Working Group 1 | Top-Down Modelling Group |
Working Group 7 | Uncertainty Estimation for Hydrological Modelling |
Working Group 12 | Slope Inter-Comparison Experiment (SLICE) |
Working Group 13 | United Kingdom Working Group |
Working Group 14 | Waternet - Southern Africa Working Group |
Working Group 15 | Canadian National Working Group |
Working Group 16 | Improved Processes, Parameterisation & Prediction in Cold Regions Hydrology (IP3) |