Theme 8: Case Studies - Tuesday, October 23 & Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Convener: Berit Arheimer (
Co-Conveners: Hubert Savenije, Denis Hughes (;
The IAHS theme PUB was established with the primary aim of reducing uncertainty in hydrological predictions and to engage the interest of hydrologists around the world. PUB aimed at a paradigm shift in the methods used to predict streamflow, sediment and water-quality variables, away from traditional methods reliant on statistical analysis and calibrated models, and towards new techniques which are based primarily on improved understandings and representations of physical processes within and around the hydrological cycle. During the decade PUB grow to encompass an enormous variety of approaches and settings. Specific areas of interest have included flood estimation, climate variability and drought, erosion and sedimentation, snow- and ice-melt, nutrient fluxes and eutrophication issues, land-use and salinity.
Oral Programme (15 minute talks) - Tuesday, October 23
Oral Programme (15 minute talks) - Wednesday, October 24
Time | Speaker | Title |
16:00-16:15 | Göran Lindström | Implementing the EU water framework directive in Sweden (invited) |
16:15-16:30 | Conrad Jackisch | Insights from an Experiment to Gauge an Ungauged Catchment: Data Assessment, Eco-Hydrological Modelling and Lacking Crop Feedbacks |
16:30-16:45 | Samuel Sutanto | Development of design flood formula in ungauged catchments using index flood and L-moment approach: study case West Java Province |
16:45-17:00 | Neil Viney | Comparison of methods for predicting Australia-wide streamflow generation (invited) |
17:00-17:15 | Sanyuan Jiang | How much data are needed to identify a hydrological water quality model? |
17:15-17:30 | Hessel Winsemius | Using soft information to constrain a hydrological model in an ungauged basin - the Luangwa case (invited) |
17:30-18:00 | Discussion and Future Directions |
Poster Programme