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Azzari G, Goulden ML, Rusu RB Rapid characterization of vegetation structure with a Microsoft Kinect sensor Sensors 2013
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Domeneghetti A, Tarpanelli A, Brocca L, Barbetta L, Moramarco T, Castellarin A, Brath A The use of remote sensing-derived water surface data for hydraulic model calibration Remote Sensing of Environment 2014
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Pagliari D, Rossi L, Passoni D, Pinto L, De Michele C, Avanzi F
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Seibert J, Vis MJP How informative are stream level observations in different geographic regions? Hydrological Processes 2016
Stewart RD, Abou Najm MR, Rupp DE, Selker JS An image-based method for determining bulk density and the soil shrinkage curve Soil Science Society of America Journal 2012
Stewart RD, Abou Najm MR, Rupp DE, Selker JS Measurement Tool for Dynamics of Soil Cracks Vadose Zone Journal 2012
Stewart RD, Hut R, Rupp DE, Gupta H, Selker JS A resonating rainfall and evaporation recorder Water Resources Research 2012
Stewart RD, Liu Z, Rupp DE, Higgins CW, Selker JS A new instrument to measure plot-scale runoff Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems 2015
Tauro F, Grimaldi S, Petroselli A, Porfiri M Fluorescent particle tracers for surface flow measurements: a proof of concept in a natural stream Water Resources Research 2012
Tauro F, Grimaldi S, Petroselli A, Rulli MC, Porfiri M Fluorescent particle tracers in surface hydrology: a proof of concept in a semi-natural hillslope Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 2012
Tuhtan JA, Fuentes-Pérez JF, Strokina N, Toming G, Musall M, Noack M, Kämäräinen JK, Kruusmaa M Design and application of a fish-shaped lateral line probe for flow measurement Review of Scientific Instruments 2016
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To propose a contribution related to MOXXI's objectives, please contact Flavia Tauro.

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